Quick thing I wanted to mention. Today I got a weird but good surprise

! I think now that I have used MJ several days in a row its hanging around in my system a bit. I woke up over an hour before my med alarm for nature calling

and I was able to get up and make it down the hall without throwing up anything

. That's a big deal in my world. I didn't end up curled in a ball with stomach cramps either, just had to reheat my hotpack and do some deep breathing to get me through till pill time.
No wake and bake today as I was feeling extra dizzy and needed to be in a car. Tomorrow though its back on!
I have only tried one indica dominant so I cant speak to the whole family but as far as effects I am not a fan of the tingling either. The app is much better organized that others, the site is nice other than that it doesn't have about 4 of the strains im interested in. Many of the strains it has I don't have easy access to

. Its the reviews that are more the issue. A lot of people end up reviews the dispensary in the herb section or leave it vague something like "got ripped and loved it" which isn't very helpful.
With my qualifiers I put in I came up with 23 options for evening strains most effective for nausea. I have access to 5 of them so I can start there and do my research. One strain I already have that ic ant find much on is Sunshine Daydream. I can find seed distributors but not much in way of reviews.
I haven't tried it much but I figure I may as well give it a go if I want something longer lasting. Im all for relief but I do believe in moderation and it is an expensive med to keep up with. Gladto know its not just me though about the 2 hour thing. Once I find a good PM strain that doesn't amp me up I can probably time my doses better. I know I will need one between 6 -7pm to get through dinner but the Jack seemed to keep me up. Going to try maui next I think. Im in the same boat organ wise the RX meds are hard on my liver, kidneys, and heart. Ihave to have my heart tested once a year and liver via blood test at least once but usual 3 - 4 times a year.
Hope you enjoy your wake and bake
Im sorry

im in the same boat but for me its just enzymes at the moment. Once they are out of my system I have to stop anything effecting motility. Not a fun place to be sadly. Glad your bud has been getting you through hope they get these tests over with so you can get back on the ginger.