Here's what I did today.
I was able to successfully dissolve each gram of winterized oil (WO) into the (VE) liquids.
1. Flavorless at .53gr | 1 gr (WO) -this ratio makes the final product very runny and much less potent. Winterizing means losing a good bit of terpenes so this mix tasted exactly like EJmix in my opinion. I filled one .6 mL tank and mixed approx .03gr or (6% by weight) of D-Limonene to the remaining .6 mL and filled two smaller .3 mL with this flavored mix. It turned out very good. Maybe a tad bit too strong on the lemon/orange citrus flavor, but not over powering or unpalatable at all.
2. Pina Colada at .27gr | 1 gr (WO) -the flavor of the coconut and pineapple really shines through in this mix. Very tasty and enjoyable. I could see myself toking on this daily.
3. Enhance at .26gr | 1 gr (WO) -I can't tell if the flavor is enhanced or not. I honestly can't tell if there's anything enhanced in flavor or potency. I'm hoping that with time I will taste and feel the effects this one brings.. maybe.
4. Intense at .27gr | 1 gr (WO) -This one smells and tastes like some kind of herbal incense of sorts. I'm not sure what the flavor is, but whatever it is it's very subtle and pleasant like some light oregano.
5. XXX at .30gr | 1 gr (WO) -Semi herbal like the Intense and supposed to stimulate sexual appetite? I'm not sure I'm tasting anything or getting horny. It's difficult to say what the taste is if there's actually any there at all.
6. Lucid at .29gr | 1 gr (WO) -There's something also slightly flavorful with this one. I can't say about the effect as I'm an insomniac but I'm going to keep using this at night time and see if there is a sleep effect in play.
Now that I have three .3 mL tank of each flavor I will give away two sets and keep one for myself. They will be providing me feedback on their preferences with taste and potency. I can tell you right now that mixing a 1 : 1 ratio with the Flavorless was probably a mistake and it's now much less potent than I had hoped for.
I also discovered that 10 drops equals .30 grams of (VE) or .30 mL (if we assume 1 gr = 1 mL). 18 drops gave me around .54gr of liquid from the sampler vials. The ratio I found best was 30/70 for VE/WO for proper potency and viscosity. The resulting ejuices are thick but wick very well and work great.
Next time I will experiment with more of their artificial flavors. I'm high as fuck from trying all these out.. impressed I was able to write this all down