If the puff majic is indeed thinner, it could mean you could add more concentrate to thicken, also I assume we could add a drop or two of VG to thicken it more and give extra vapor too.
I placed my order for the puff majic starter pack.
i went to one of my local vape shops and bought a nautilus mini BVC.
intended on buying a mechanical mod. however, a couple of VV VW box mods were only $20 more.
in the end i got the SIGELEI mini 30w. she gave me a free 35amp battery.
the cloupor mini was a contender. it only drops to 7w. i dont know if thats a good or bad thing though.
simple directions had me set up in no time.
well i guess i need to give the PM a shot then. i would much prefer to buy the naked and then have the ability to add flavors if desired. but for the most part i want the juice to taste just like the strain. and with EJmix, while it did add a flavor, it was minimal IMO and kind of pleasant. for the most part i could really taste the strain. i never got the "plastic" flavor from EJmix.
so if the naked has that same subtle flavor and is easier to work with then maybe i should try it. i dont want it to be too runny tho. i prefer a thicker juice. less leaking and more potent! well with EJmix at least.
i wish the PM was a bit cheaper. i can get 15ML of EJmix (plenty for me for a while) for $16 shipped to my door.
If the puff majic is indeed thinner, it could mean you could add more concentrate to thicken, also I assume we could add a drop or two of VG to thicken it more and give extra vapor too.
anyone using a temperture control box mode to vape there wejuice? if so what are your setting?
anyone using a temperture control box mode to vape there wejuice? if so what are your setting?
Some states (WA, for example) sell Everclear, but it is 75% (151 proof). Oregon sells 95% (190 proof) Everclear.
In NYC, I haven't seen it anywhere. I think its "illegal" here (stupid laws).
Yea I'd be curious about that as well. I still use Ej myself, when the last bottle ran out I took a look at switching but the 50ml of Ej won out over 30ml PM for the same money ($30). I've read about adding a few drops of LorAnn's candy flavoring to the Ej, anyone done that?
Fuckcombustion rocks. Cool people sharing good info. I learn something new every time I come back.Thanks for the info in this thread. Because of your recommendation I got a bottle of the orig majic. It does seem to be smoother than the ej, less irritable on the throat and the flavor has a very subtle caramel type of sweetness to it. I'm not a fan of blueberry but I may have to try out the mojito now or maybe another flavor.
Also, thanks for the tank recommendation. I have had good luck with the k1 tank so far over the kanger aerow mow, which leaked on and off.
You could buy in NJ -but I note they list "Washington", and that is not true. Thy have Everclear 151
from another site:
Well, I emailed the president of luxco, the company that manufactors everclear, because of a bet my boyfriend and i had. we were trying to see who could figure out what states sold everclear first. i wonhere's the list:
I'm using the evic vt with a subtank nano Nickle coil heads. Puff majic 3:1.25. So pretty thick I can tell you with out temp control I'd pulling dry hits with this run, I didn't make this wax. But I'm at 600 at 500 I barley see any vapor 600 is ok. I would guess 600 isnt quite right but idk it hits great but kinda like my haze, I have not had a dry hit yet and my juice is lasting proper now.
Hello everyone. I am trying to make a vg based juice. But I can't figure out the vg to concentrates ratio. I know I wanted to be stronger than smoking a blunt, but I know it's not going to be a strong has taken a dab. I am trying to make 4 fluid ounces. If anyone has any good insight that is willing to help. I could use it right now.
Like KINetics said, its not going to work good. VG cant mix strong enough to give you the kick you want from a vape juice. Great for tincture but sucks for vapes. I brew tinctures and drop it under my tongue. That was the first stuff I tried vaping way back. Big clouds but no real high. You would probably have to vape a whole tank to get off. Get some purpose made stuff man. You will be happy you did. You can have some puff majic on you doorstep in like 2-3 days. For 4ozs of juice you will need like 2 big bottles and probably like 50-60gr.
Hello everyone. I am trying to make a vg based juice. But I can't figure out the vg to concentrates ratio. I know I wanted to be stronger than smoking a blunt, but I know it's not going to be a strong has taken a dab. I am trying to make 4 fluid ounces. If anyone has any good insight that is willing to help. I could use it right now.
Hey,Hey...I LOVE CATS!!!!!
I'm hoping a Kayfun solves my issues. The raised deck for the air intake allows for some flooding from pressure changes without going anywhere.
At 1:4 (im using 1:1 peg400 then pg to mix) i found flavour pretty oily and relatively pleasant albeit with a chemically sweet bite to it. At 1:6 the flavour is not as oily. Ive got some concentrated menthol flavouring and ive added a couple of drops. Really im looking to mask the taste of the peg with menthol but still have that hashy backround basenote.
EJmix and Puff Magic... which do you prefer and why?
Did you end up getting the Kayfun? If so can you share your thoughts on the raised deck and leak prevention?
Did you try less PEG and more PG? Also read that higher wattage vaping may release more chemical taste from PEG, maybe try a lower wattage?
I have EJ on order. I chose it over Puff Magic because EJ reveals their ingredients. Puff Magic just states "secret blend" lol. I like to know what I'm putting in my lungs and not leaving that up to someone else. E cig flavors can be toxic to lung cells, I'm not about to take that risk. It's bad enough that I'm considering inhaling PG and PEG regardless of how much research has been done on them. At one point I was pretty curious about Puff Magic because of the great reviews but realized that almost all of the reviews were from @StheDubya. I can understand that someone can really like a product but he promotes it like he's affiliated. No offense Dubya, it's just how it comes across to me.