I thought the Maud-Dib was the beta?I think we may be confusing Alpha and Beta boxes. I am pretty sure that my box is an Alpha (plain wood, no light, no serial #) and that Beta boxes (post Maud Dib name?) are different in some respects?
@steama what does your box look like?
Besides, I did a lot of reading on all of these before buying, as I do with anything, and honestly, I don't remember seeing anything about a warranty. I think I, as well as most of us did, just ASSUMED, that there was a warranty. I'm thinking, "Beta", means it's a testing version and it's at your own risk. I mean, otherwise, why need the "Beta"?
And is it just me, but does anyone else think, that these are just cleaned up, modified, and painted... leftovers or errors of regular MFLB's? Like, maybe somehow a box got returned, or they just didn't like the pattern in the wood, put in a screen using 5% of the material as a normal screen, painted it with a sharpie, and voila, a new product? I think the lid design is shitty as hell. Honestly, I don't like the magnification of the lid. I put in what I think is a small ball but it looks huge when trying to smoke it. The gold stuff holding the magnifying glass seems like it could bend pretty easily and once it's bent while open, it will NEVER have a proper seal ever again. Actually, I don't think the seal is that great to begin with. Only works better than when I first received it because some residue has built up to support the seal.
Again, I never saw anything about the normal Magic Flight warranty, others are saying elsewise but... pics or it didn't happen. I'd love to be proven wrong but... the pocket of this thing is just too small to last before it gets too much residue, no matter how clean your stuff is. there is going to come a point where this thing doesn't work right. Time will tell how well it holds up. We'll see.
On the other hand, I've been getting some what I guess would be reclaim building up in my pipesdaddy $40 bubbler that smokes like a mutha! Blazed off it right now so sorry if I'm rambling. Gonna stop now and medicate some more.