Higher, Higher, Baby...
This awaits you sir. 

60mm bubbler in stock at ALT!!
Looks like they have 4..
60mm bubbler in stock at ALT!!
Looks like they have 4..
This is tempting to jump on but Alt has had some serious QC lately that I am scared to buy anything from them ever.
Hurry up and buy them out of stock before I buy one dammit (trying to hold out for the 65b)
That is the elusive 65B.... better grab it!
Just trying to help people out.. This has been the hardest piece to find out of just about all the Mobius pieces. ALT had one bad batch a couple weeks ago, I doubt it is going to be a regular thing with them.
Like the toy helicopter salesman says.. Buy 'em or don't.. Whatever man.. lol
Until I know it is not a regular thing with them I will wait. I hope FC members buy all 4 so we can find out if they are good.
Damn man, grats on some sick equipment. Are you the owner of that quad oil drum on Nuggetry?
This is tempting to jump on but Alt has had some serious QC lately that I am scared to buy anything from them ever.
Until I know it is not a regular thing with them I will wait. I hope FC members buy all 4 so we can find out if they are good.
Perfection is not appealing to me.
Instead of enjoying what you have, you waist your time to looking for something you will never have.
For me the QC issue come from Mobius, ALT or Kultureva are only resellers.
Unless you can access to a local head shop and patiently scrutinize the piece at every angle... you will have to gamble.
I recently bought the Ion and the Clear Matrix from ALT.
After reading a few people complaining about QC, i was worried.
At the reception of the package, it took time to found they were not perfect.
And there was no way that i am sending them back.
For me this not a flaw, these glass product are hand made.
I'm not expecting a handcraft working like a machine... and this is why the glasswork are so valuable.
Perfection is not appealing to me.
Instead of enjoying what you have, you waist your time to looking for something you will never have.
Ahh! Pissed you live in NY! Haha I want to hit that so badly.I am and it is my FAVORITE piece! The smoothest by far... like a Matrix ION x4... seriously. I actually gave away my ION. Not that it isn't an excellent piece....but the quad drum is on another level.
I am enjoying my flawless 60t very much and for $400+ for some refined sand I expect something nearly perfect and am willing to wait for some confidence that Alt/Mobius can provide that. Right now I don't trust they can based on the information posted in this forum. Mobius posted pics on their facebook page awhile ago of a bunch of destroyed Mobius pieces in a big dumpster bragging about their QC. At the prices they charge I do expect to get nearly perfect.
Wow, crazy picture! The more I read here and elsewhere, I think I'll hang on to my 65t. I wanted the smaller can, but if they aren't going to make them anymore...