Frederick McGuire
Aggressively Loungey
They seem to have a bunch.. I think I was able to add more than 10 Ion matrix and I think 12 or 13 reti to my cart earlier.
Fred - Do you still use the Ion reti much? I am really happy with my matrix perc but was eying the reti and know you have both.
I don't think it takes it out of their system till its actually paid for, so even if they only have 1, you might be able to add as many to the cart as you want

I don't have an ion reti, just the clear.
I love it but use my matrix far more often.
I go through phases with the reti, sometimes I look at it and can't even think of letting it go, then other times I look at it and think that it's $330 worth of really nice glass I don't use too often, that I could re-invest in a newer piece...

So basically the reti is awesome, but I almost always find myself reaching for the matrix.
Oh, and I just pulled the trigger on a matrix ion from alt
