Glad you got a good piece. Do all the slits on the top row fire and if so, does it take a pretty strong pull to do so? Thanks.yes yes i was being a picky ass. with a little residue...and stacks on stacks of bubbles. going to buy a nail today..and a dome probably.
I too have noticed a lot of mobius matrix videos where it appears only a fraction of slits are firing most of the time. For some reason I feel like the stereo matrix perc might have less issues with uneven firing.Glad you got a good piece. Do all the slits on the top row fire and if so, does it take a pretty strong pull to do so? Thanks.
Looks like you also have uneven perc slits to go with the marks. My perc was absolutely perfect and even all around, which is part of the reason I had a tough time deciding to send mine back for the other problems.
If it were just the marks on the bottom, I'd keep it. But that's just me, you have to know what you can live with.
QC at Mobius definitely needs fixing if they don't want their reputation taking a hit.
i love that leaving mine about to give you all some pics and a video of it bubbling. im having issues posting vids and pics. but i can say that im quite impressed. no scratches. my percs slits are even, and straight as an arrow. im quite certain that my top row is all firing with minimal draw. if i draw moderate to hard the bubbles stack so high that they hit the top of the can. i will in no way be sending mine anywhere. please help educate my dumb ass in the skill of posting media. oh water level was at deep southern california on the frosted label.Looks like you're right. I'm pretty new to this stuff so I was only looking for noticeable imperfections like scratches, scuffs, dents, etc when I initially inspected it. In my opinion this is pretty unacceptable. It does look pretty uneven. I was so excited to own a truly remarkable piece but I'm pretty sure I can't accept this. Here are some bottom shots so maybe everyone can see a little better. I'm really disappointed with Mobius and ALT right now and with the availability of this piece being so scarce I don't even know if I will own one now. Guess I better start contacting ALT
please help educate my dumb ass in the skill of posting media. oh water level was at deep southern california on the frosted label.
Its disappointing to see these pieces passing through both Mobius and ALT's QC with very visible defects and not being caught or stopped from being sent out. I received this Matrix from ALT and was surprised they would let such a piece be sold, it had bubbles ALL along the top of the can and missed cuts in the perc that was very visible and in no way could not be caught. I sure hope both Mobius and ALT step their game up with their QC soon as this is ridiculous considering the prices these go for.
That's pretty bad man. Again, this is UNACCEPTABLE. I hope ALT does everything they can to make this right. I'm still waiting to hear back from them but my holiday has already been ruined and I've lost enough time with this whole ordeal. It's just amazing how many poor quality pieces are being sold as new. This isn't cheap glass. Get your shit together ALT/Mobius.Its disappointing to see these pieces passing through both Mobius and ALT's QC with very visible defects and not being caught or stopped from being sent out. I received this Matrix from ALT and was surprised they would let such a piece be sold, it had bubbles ALL along the top of the can and missed cuts in the perc that was very visible and in no way could not be caught. I sure hope both Mobius and ALT step their game up with their QC soon as this is ridiculous considering the prices these go for.