I am also pleased they aren't rushing the product (I would also like to see more miVape porn), and I don't understand the animosity towards Vaporfection that some express here because of the release date delays (though I respect one's right to their opinion). My guess is that not everyone expressing said animosity has dealt directly with the company, because given my experience I would never think they're not being genuine or somehow behaving in a manner that warrants my distrust, aggressive comments, or me otherwise questioning their integrity as some have done. I must defend Vaporfection here via my experience/opinion. Keep in mind they have nothing to gain by misleading folks, or behaving maliciously, or dissing their existing and potential customer base. They operate in a tricky industry and are still trying to innovate for us vaporists. They deserve cheers and support rather than jeers and accusations. They're on OUR side, folks (yes, they're a business too--I get that--I'm a capitalist at heart).
I can understand being excited for the miVape and being disappointed in its delayed release (more so if you've dropped the $$ and less so if you've just been following the thread waiting to drop $$). But I'll adamantly argue that missed projections are not the same as false promises. They're nowhere near the same thing. All kinds of companies miss projected release dates for highly-touted products--some miss by years. The Vapexhale Cloud had a few delays, yes? And even after its release they needed tweaks. Yes, they have a heavy presence on FC (but SM55 was a member prior to VXH's existence, I believe), but there are other companies that have zero presence here. At least Vaporfection checks in with us, and I don't blame them for not getting too much further into details at this stage. Let them focus efforts on getting the miVape ready for us. And whenever I've contacted them directly (which is an option for anyone, by the way, versus relying solely on FC for their comments), I've had nothing but a good experience.
I gave them my $$ knowing good and well it may be a while, but that I'd be an early adopter for what may be one of the baddest-assest portable vapes around when it's finally ready. Given their recent update in this thread, I'm even more excited. In the meantime, I have other vapes to use and am not bothered by a delay in the release of an innovative vaporizer. I say rock the fuck on, Vaporfection. Make that muthafuckin' miVape as badass as can be, then release the fuck out of it and convert all the doubters!
Hugs and Kisses,