little maggie
Well-Known Member
Love to see the custom frames. I love the wood on the essence and think that some wood variations would be great on the mistvape.
This beauty turned up yesterday, just as I was locking the front door to go on a week's holiday.. 4 days delivery to the UK is really quite impressive, and Dave was exemplary throughout.Here is one making it's way across the pond, leaving today
Can someone recommend a bubbler that works well with the MVT? A small, simple one? Most of mine work with larger stems. Also what is the best water adapter for the MVT. I looked at Ratchet's site since I have 1 for my other vapes but there were too many.
I have the mvt water adapter, I can take a pic of it for you if you want to see it. It's basically the size of a longer stem and both ends are 14mm.Can someone recommend a bubbler that works well with the MVT? A small, simple one? Most of mine work with larger stems. Also what is the best water adapter for the MVT. I looked at Ratchet's site since I have 1 for my other vapes but there were too many.
I just want to say thank for an awesome vape brother. This thing once you have gotten familiar with your battery capacity at time of use then you can enjoy it a lot better.
Fresh batt and it almost rips from the get go. Love it love it.![]()
Man your not helping with the vasGlad to hear you are enjoying your MVT.
Instead of waiting for RBT or FW you could go to the upcoming section and get yourself a Tubo-Evic. You will not be sorry you bought it and it may cure (or at least put into remission) your VAS.
The ABV don't look burned like with the Millaana, and I combust too often with the Milaana, does the Touch do that? Also because of the shorter stem how hot is the vapor, not as hot as the grasshopper I hope. Milaana short stem I find unusable because it's uncomfortably hot. But it looks interesting and on the video the ABV after 10 hits looked good still green!!!. Maybe it was the camera.
I haven't combusted on either since I start to cough when there's any burning. But my milaana does run hotter than the MVT. I have an older milaana and that may contribute to the additional heat. Since I read here that it's not good for the coil to glow I've been holding the button for shorter times, still getting clouds and my abv is pretty light. Using the MVT with the wood adapter and water it's been milder than the tubo with the same set up.
(Except I managed to get the screen stuck in the wood and can't figure out how to get it out. Oh well.)
Ok guys so my new obsession is on demand portables. Currently i use a vapcap and a grasshopper. Ive tried a milanna and just couldent get it after countless sessions, sometimes id get massive hits, sometimes combustion, and other times id get a ton of heat down my throat with no vapor. Id love to have a battery powered on demand as a backup for my grasshopper. Im just curious as to how similair the mvt is to the milanna?
I love taking my time and learning a vape. I can get huge clouds from my mflb with batteries and loved that little thing. But i absolutely hated the milaana. Tried every possible tip and trick in the book and it had inconsistant results 98% of the time. After reading i feel like the mvt is everything i hoped for from the milanna