Discontinued MistVape Touch


Well-Known Member
@Bandoo the glass piece is a stem. I had these made, they are 14/20 ground glass joints with a recess half inch deep and .35" diameter. This gives a ledge which catches the screen, makes it easier to load and clean the stem. If you look at post #715 you can see a small ledge on the inside of the stem. And at $9 each they are reasonably priced.
Oh nice.
I thought it might be a specially made thicker female joint above the heater in the unit.
It would be nice to make that out of some ceramic that was stronger than the glass stem in case of breakage of the stem holding joint by the glass stem hitting something first...(did I say that right?)
Would be better that the stem breaks than the joint.
I mostly use wooden stems in my Milanna now anyway.

Little Bill

Oldest stoner on FC
Hello all!:wave:

For the past few weeks I have been trying out the newly re-designed mistvape touch to make sure all the changes worked and worked well.

The first most obvious change is the top with a sliding piece now, eliminating all the metal on top making her look purdy.:brow:

Second is the button. For those who have MVTs already, I had to un-learn using the button on the side, I was used to it.

After a week passed I was good to go. It felt normal. It felt great in my hand.
I feel Righties and Lefties will both like the front button placement.:tup:

After much testing I can say without a doubt the new revisions make the touch even better. It feels more ergonomic in the hand, the glass joint is sunk in a bit and grabs the stems very tightly.

I want to add that I also use a bit less button time to achieve the same results.

On a cold unit I will pre heat it for 3-4 seconds, wait, then start drawing at a medium pace then "touch" the button for 3.5-4 seconds, let off the button and continue to pull heat from the oven.

Now for some new Mistvape touch porn.:)

I wanted to add the lid can be flipped around 180 degrees to cut off the battery. As you see, I have the original pin design and it still cuts off battery contact perfectly. The new pin design not only looks much better but will function much better too.

Dave truly made an awesome vaporizer with top notch taste, vapor, efficiency, looks, and usability.:rockon:

If you were on the fence about picking up a Mistvape touch, I would strongly recommend getting on the list. That list will be growing something fierce!:evil:

Well done Dave, well done!:bowdown:

Where did you get the beautiful wood stem? I love it.

Little Bill

Oldest stoner on FC
Well maybe VAS will claim another FC member.

I do love my Crafty. It is so easy to use and to keep clean. I usually clean it while it is cooling. I never pack it full or too tight. The ABV is normally medium dark brown.

The draw is easy, smooth, and tasty. Sometimes I hit it so hard and fast that the vapor and mouthpiece get warm. Because of the limited battery life, you are encouraged to draw hard and keep session time to a minimum.

I have been micro-dosing and with a fully charged battery can get 6 sessions lasting about 5 minutes each and consuming .007 gm per session.

Having said all that this MistVape Touch looks and sounds amazing. I have never dealt with a stem vape, but it does look easy once you have accessories. Replaceable battery is a big plus. I think I can learn to draw for good flavor and taste. It also looks very nice in it’s latest form. I went to the web site and provided my email and name. I hope that puts me on the list.


Well-Known Member
@Little Bill and @danald2000 the stems must be 14/20 not 14/23. A 14/23 could dislodge the screen in the heater. The 14 is the diameter in mm and the 20 or 23 is the length of the ground glass in mm. A 23 mm long stem could definitely cause a problem.

Everyone if you are contacting me about your place on the list make sure you give me your email address. I get a lot of pm asking where someone is on the list but without the email you reserved under. Also it helps to give me your fc handle when you send a reservation email.

Little Bill

Oldest stoner on FC
@Little Bill and @danald2000 the stems must be 14/20 not 14/23. A 14/23 could dislodge the screen in the heater. The 14 is the diameter in mm and the 20 or 23 is the length of the ground glass in mm. A 23 mm long stem could definitely cause a problem.

Everyone if you are contacting me about your place on the list make sure you give me your email address. I get a lot of pm asking where someone is on the list but without the email you reserved under. Also it helps to give me your fc handle when you send a reservation email.

Because of my ignorance I somehow missed the physical description before. Do any retailers carry a selection of stems in this size, even for other vapes? Anyone?

By the way @mistvaporizer , your order page could use new photos of the vape now that it is so much better looking. The suggestions and changes you made really spiffed it up.
Little Bill,


Well-Known Member
Oh nice.
I thought it might be a specially made thicker female joint above the heater in the unit.

It would be nice to make that out of some ceramic that was stronger than the glass stem in case of breakage of the stem holding joint by the glass stem hitting something first...(did I say that right?)
Would be better that the stem breaks than the joint.
I mostly use wooden stems in my Milanna now anyway.

Still it would be good for international customers and others if these on demand convection vapes that have a fragile glass female connector to eventually have connector that is stronger than the present one.

I know in the beginning it's not possible but if they get more popular I think some ceramic joint could be made that if the vape falls off your lap or wherever and hits the stem that it's the stem that breaks and not the joint.

Or if a stronger material is not possible then the glass joint should be an easily customer replaceable cheap piece you can keep on hand in case.
As it is we need to buy a second one just in case the first one needs to be sent in and have the simple glass joint replaced. :nod:

Personally I have a complete workshop and I can make, repair or change the glass or any other part myself.
I think it would eliminate one of the only parts that could have a problem for cs.
Ymmv. :)

Pax, Milaana,


Well-Known Member
Something like this? (borrowed from the DT thread)

If they are easily changed by the owner they would be fine..
Not critisizing here! Could be good for the manufacturer.
I manufacture wooden musical instruments so I am looking at it from a builders angle.
I am brainstorming since I also have a broken joint and I'm on the other side of the world...Am also waiting for a new joint to arrive before I take it apart. It's cracked up but still usable.
Still would be nice to have them from porcelin or zirconium etc. Something non toxic like glass but much harder than the stem glass.
I'm sure though that they would have to have a high volume to justify having them made.
Anyway ymmv :)
BTW who did these glass joints come from?


Chronic vapaholic
Do you think a ceramic joint could provide the same friction as ground glass? We need some friction otherwise the "lipstick incidents" would be too frequent, seeing how much they already are with our GonGs.

I would love to find such an alternative though, don't get me wrong!

The picture is the Divine Tribe water-tool attachment accessory, it replaces the cap/mouthpiece of the ceramic donut atomizer. I don't think it's long enough for the MistTouch, but maybe Dave could contact DT to see where he sourced them (or maybe custom ordered, as he's working with some Chinese factory if I'm correct)

But if that part could be ready-made and outsourced for cheap, it would be maybe much easier to service, even for the end-user.
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