Fat Freddy
Here is a project that has been on the list for months. @Vape Dr. and I discussed it a little. I figure if I didn't do it now I might not ever get to it, tomorrow I expect to start the next batch of vapes.
Introducing the accessory rack, quilted maple with snakewood trim.
The back row has two holes around .8", I expect it will hold Milaana stems, then a couple at 3/4" and a couple at 5/8. The bottom row has three 5/8, four 3/8 four 1/4 and four 1/8 (for dab wires).
The dark wood is snakewood and it is really nice.
Loaded with toys
with a Touch in the pic for size
and a close up of the snakewood trim
The white specs are dust I didn't wipe off.
The rack is about 6" long just under 3" front to back and 2 1/2" high.
I'm open to suggestions about the hole sizes and layout, a few months down the road I'll make some if there is interest. Probably in the $100 range, not really sure how long it takes to make since most of the time was set up and design so far.
@AJS knockovers are not good! Possible to glue a piece of brass to the bottom, you wouldn't see it and it would offer more stability. I made this one kinda short at 2 1/2" but I'm open to other sizes. This is definitely beta.

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