@justcametomind ... ???
do have an opinion ... just a little confused about the reference
Just because hits are more
wispy does not make them less efficient (just maybe delivers less at once, takes more hits to get to same place, or a bigger hit .... so if you have lots of lung capacity ... it can be wispy on intake and thick on exhale

). I like to get a balance between taste/speed of extraction (I like big hits ... but they should
also be flavourful ... the point where the flavor begins to drop-off is the point where it needs to be dialed back just a notch IMO .... unless one is in a situation where speed is of essence in which case slightly hotter/quicker might be better.
I also find type of high varies a little based on speed/density of extraction (although I don't think there is a large difference in efficiency) ... to elaborate a little ... just my hypothesis ... but the bigger hits go "straight to your head" so although you might technically waste a little more, the intensity of the initial effect is stronger, so if you are a chronic (like me), then this is often the only time you actually "really feel high" ... for the few minute rush after large hits ... otherwise most of the time it just makes you feel "good" and not necessarily "high" in the more accepted sense.
is a great vape (and I'm a super early adopter and after the initial growing pains of getting a functional batter/unit ... first one worked only on plug ... I've been on the same one since. I did get one replacement battery where the battery capacity pretty much died completely, almost guaranteed due to my neglect) ... I still favour my VapeXhale EVO for at home, and find myself using my Crafty when out and about ...and my MiniVAP only gets a lot of use when I'm in need of a heavy hitting portable when going to a friend's place or gone for my bi-yearly week of work in the office down South.
That being said ... my top 3 vapes are the VapeXhale EVO, Crafty, and MiniVAP (almost none of my other vapes get any use anymore)
Which is my best tasting vape? ... I think the MiniVAP and EVO are pretty close depending on your usage patterns ... (ie. a really heat-saturated EVO does not taste as good as a MiniVAP but one that's just gotten to temp, tastes great).