Sounds like a normal unit to me. With the newest gcmv you shouldn't use your full lungs when taking the hit. Use half capacity instead and inhale air to push the cloud to the bottom of your lungs in a second step. Make it thick but don't take more that you can handle.
I was referring to the mighty, not to the gcmv.

I still have a 2014 tcmv. I just compared both, mighty and tcmv, on max temp. This is why I pushed me to inhale the same amount than with the MV before, but the mighty was simply hitting harder. Half lung capacity only, this is how I used the mighty dry depending on temps anyway. Hold 5-10 secs for maximum resorption and so on... The same for nearly every vape without draw restriction... But thank you anyway!
You might have better luck achieving larger clouds if you hook it up to glass..imnot sure what kinda seal your getting with that plastic bottle. How is your MV poorly designed ?
I've never heard that complaint before. I agree the stock mouthpieces aren't good but the flexicones are the shit.
Maybe you should send it back in if your not getting clouds as big as themighty. I got to try one yesterday and my MV blew it out of the water regarding clouds and effects.
The improvised water bottle was just a try to see if glass could please me before I spend money on anything collecting dust besides my MV and his retired colleagues. It did please me! And it works pretty good since it's completely airsealed. I'm luckily able to drill a very round hole of 7mm and stick a round 8mm silicone through it. But thanks for your thoughts! I'll get an orbiter or a small WT like I mentioned! They'll outperform the water bottle (hopefully)!
I assume you still didn't read my older (and newer?) posts. I had a monologue on this already. This is probably why you never heard of design problems or other critics, you overread them. Just to give you an idea: my bottle is better air sealed than the untweaked MV lid with flexicone + (and basket). But let's forget this, I won't repeat myself in every post anymore since you aren't a newbie and I ranted enough.

Probably I just should get a new one like you said since other MV's are seeming to outperform the mightys. If Hermes would just answer after 1 month of silence it would be much easier...

But I'm already repeating myself and ranting again....
Thank you for your post. I won't deal with hermes to warranty my old tc, I'll get a new from my reseller when they have the GC in stock hopefully very soon. But I'm not really confident this could protect me from further bad experiences. But taste seems to be worth the struggle, if it's not a plastic one.
@Roger D : I thought only china Vapes (and some S&B units apparently) needed burn offs. Mine didn't. Smelled neutral apart the white rubber ring around the bowl. The MV shouldn't play in the China league for this price. If it needs a burn off, it's obviously outgasing something. Please correct me when I'm wrong.
@Wzfbaby7 : I asked Hermes about a pocket unit. Let's see what (better when or even if) Alfredo answers...
.....snip..... This is probably the only way I personally could enjoy the MV

. Hope the Cooling Coil air seals like it is or just with some silicone...
I was so wrong... Could be nice anyway.
But even defective MV + WT = best taste I know so far.