Well-Known Member
Baskets, screens, cones, covers, my question is exactly how many pieces of paraphernalia does one have to futz with to get high, like to change out a bowl of herb with the minivap? Also cleaning/maintenance?
It takes me about 15 seconds to load the wire basket and snap it into the flexicone, which already has a screen snapped into it. Then there are two options:
1. like the picture below, invert the module and set in bubbler. Place inverted mVAP onto basket-enjoy.
2. place module into mVAP cover with flexicone nipple protruding, screw on cover, snap on whip tube or hard mouthpiece-enjoy
To switch between direct draw and water piece-- 10 seconds.
super easy, super versatile, super tastey
I can't imagine a cleaner apparatus. Using the wire basket method for 6 months--just alcohol swabbed the heating chamber---nothing on swab--no discoloration.
Soaked the flexicone/ basket/screen module in ISO---- a tiny amount of junk dislodged.