.................................................................the more I use this vape, the more I believe it's well worth every penny. Amazing vape.
It is amazing. Other vapes come and go on my vape station but the miniVAP has kept the #1 spot for years. Long live the king!
So flavorful and efficient and clean and those Flexicone modules are the gold standard for loading capsules.
And portable OR desktop, what more could anyone ask??? Just a faster warmup time but that can a "workaround"--turn it on before you start prepping your herbs.
Ok after some weeks without the minivap I’m back in the club. I sent the minivap to the retailer cause of the heating time which was 8-9 minutes. The product description said it would be the newest heating element ehich was definitely not. Andy (the shop owner) told me that this old kind of heating element is the best in his view but told me they will send it to the manufacturer and change it if I want. I decided to change it and after that I didn’t hear anything for some weeks. Then I asked when I ll get back my device they checked the tracking and gave it to me to prove that they sent it to the manufacturer but it was in several post station in spain before it came back. The manufacturer sent me a new device by flight courier which arrived within 24 hours. I really have to praise jorge (the manufacturer) and verdampftnochmal (the retailer) and I should have followed the advice from andy to keep the old device. Don’t get me wrong the quick core is an outstanding vape but the extraction of the old version was noticeable better. Even we talk about ferrari and lambo if you know what I mean...
I know what you mean!
I have the old Teflon core and it's flavor is noticeably better than the newer QC Teflon.
Slower to heat up but once it is ready, you can vape for 3 hours!
I use the old core for a nice slow session and the newer QC if i am using my bong.
Both are very good though!
The abv on the og was light brown and on the qc its dark green. Taste was better with the og and effects are probably similar. All in all I should have kept the og but its not s big thing. The thing is that with the docking station the long heatup time isn’t that uncomfortable. Actually the are both high end and I would recommend to anybody to buy this vape. I read some bad reviews some years ago like not worth the money which is not true. This vape is worth every single penny.
that ABV difference you mention, I found the same thing, dark green. However, since I started using an Arizer Solo stem I've been getting light/medium brown ABV. That might be because the stem adds some conduction/decarboxilation to the experience?
I'm somewhat relieved after what you said, ty
I can get a dark brown ABV on my QC Teflon with pretty much every bowl. A lot of getting a full extraction comes down to simple and straight lung power and how you pack the bowl. The MV is a great sipper vape but if you want a really big hit and to get complete extraction of the bowl you have to suck on that thing like theirs no tomorrow. Not a long hit, just a short but powerful one.
speaking of the flexicone+, is there any consensus on which is the better way to thoroughly clean the hose? I'd love to leave it just as new.
After a couple of months toying around with middle quality meds I've been able to get some top quality herbs and it left me speechless. Astonishing performance, even with the flexicone+ (no glass involved) I can't really tell whether this one yields better flavour over the e-nano, I would need to compare them face to face and I don't own it anymore. It is by far the vape that produces the best vapor quality overall, by miiiiles. I loaded the big basket with 0,1g and lost the count after 18+ tokes, impressive.
speaking of the flexicone+, is there any consensus on which is the better way to thoroughly clean the hose? I'd love to leave it just as new.
ty in advanced
.............................................................................I was never a fan of the Flexicone+ and modded my lid to accept a glass tube.
I still use my original flexicones from 4+ years ago!
They are discolored but still function 100%.
I was never a fan of the Flexicone+ and modded my lid to accept a glass tube.
Most of the time I just use it without the lid, just the flexicone+basket and a 14mm adapter!
Flexicone + (Flexicone with built in silicone tube) was never a fav of mine.
Love the Flexicone module (wire basket plus rimmed screen plus Flexicone).
The upgrade IMO from a Flexicone + would be the Flexicone module + stock cover + @Ratchett SONG (silicone lid) + OGB glass mouthpiece as that cleans up perfectly. See pic
This brings that incredible flavor to an even higher level!
Great for low and mid temps---- then 3 seconds to remove OGB glass and add a hydratube with warm water
for high temp finishing.
miniVAP : still number one in my book ( or vape station)
Goshdammmmmmmit!! This thing is still a tasty mofo!!![]()
I had a Teflon core and passed it along to a fellow fcerI used a glass quick core...so fcin good an instrument this is
I still need to try a QC glass core...
Maybe I am missing something amazing!