You're very welcome!
They're different because they obviously have different heating elements and air path. I personally use them in different settings, an MV is an MV and a Nano, well... a Nano!:
Mostly use MV through glass (an empty oiler turned upside down on the cone, Roger D style) or with water filtration.
Nano is mostly used dry, for flavour. I also have two tubes with screens placed at different lengths for micro-dosing and using hash/kif with the regular load. Yes, sounds lazy, i know! Originally it was my backup, just can't be asked to remember the exact sweet spot for the screen in between cleaning cycles.
I have also developed a habit for using certain vapes with certain rigs, they just work better IME.
For example, from what I have in my sig; the Mobius will get used with the Nano but the MV goes better with the Gordo or the cheapo bubbler... I find Nano goes better with the 18mm adapter so I have limited options there.
Although I use both with my J-hook!
Another thing to consider, I do not use the MV in full convection mode (with the Teflon rings). I much prefer the taste combined with the dense clouds it gives! The extraction is so even and the vapour so smooth! Sorry but I have no patience for a full 20min session

another member may give you better advice than me in that respect...
Additionally, its always used as a desktop. Have carried it out to open-air concerts with no problem, but it is a little bulky.
Ah I see,
carrying bag!

...Well I'm afraid you still can't vape through that!

If it isn't perfectly clean, you can always give it a clean with some alcohol wipes, or 99% ISO and toilet paper...
Regarding the check-up, no. It has to be Jorge himself.
Partly it was one of the reasons why I chose it over the Mighty: you get a proper one-to-one service (within reason ofc). Especially for repairs and CS issues. You are dealing directly with the inventor so he is perfectly aware of all technical issues.
He is also based near me, and can give him a call to discuss anything, he's always up for a nice chat unless busy. That is also a big plus, not having to deal with a clueless, demotivated guy/gal at the other end!
1h battery duration on what setting, Red? For a used unit, it seems on par with a moderate/regular use. Although I almost never use mine with the battery, mind you.
Although, on second thought, a brand new MV in desktop configuration, will run you 280E so you may also wanna consider getting a new one instead, if you factor in the cost of getting the cells changed; at 170E+40E, plus shipping, etc.
IF you get a desktop you can upgrade in the future at almost no cost, since an extra battery is 99E and a base 25E, I think. If you bought it all
separately it'd cost 10E extra, its how kits go.
For absolute, maximum 100% efficiency

, I'd personally use my Milaana/Zion. they're the most economical out of the whole crew IME, despite (or because of!) being portables.
I personally use my MV as a portable desktop away from home, and to start/finish the work day, so not in a micro dosing setting
per se... In fact, I use it more as a heavy hitter.
But I only need one session though!

I must admit it does have a micro dosing basket, but I haven't used it too much either

, sorry can't help you on that respect, maybe another member can shed more light on the matter...
Already dropped a massive brick as it is...
TL;DR: Nano is Nano, MV is MV. They're both good, buy them both if you can. They offer different things IME. You still can't go wrong with an MV
Hope it helps!