Still using mine daily.
Do not have experience using concentrates in it, having an enail close by all the time...
Still amazed at this machine. It has been around for a long time, and now with the faster heat up times I do not understand it is not more talked about here.
The flavor to me is still above and beyond anything I tried (and I owned a cloud +), and the clouds are there too.
Then there is the absurdly long battery life...
Maybe a smaller battery making it more portable would be a plus... I mean, even half the battery life would go a long long way
........................................................................................................ Yes, miniVAP isn't talked about that much but I've never found a better vape for my needs/wants. The newbies come and go but mV has a winning combo.
-Battery : years ago Hermes talked about a smaller version as an alternative but nothing yet. As a consequence of the big battery which I intended to use 100%, I tried with the tiny AC puck and that has become my daily driver/at my vape station. It's so light and easy to use.
IMO, about the only legit negative is the warm up time and it's not bad AND I have my Herbalizer next to it as it can do an entire session for me in 25 seconds

But the flavor king, and the efficiency king, and ease of use with whip/ jhook/ bubbler/ HT king, and the Flexicone basket modules which rule the vape world in complete supremacy as the universe emperor of laoding systems

,and the quality of build/look king, and just about the only true battery OR desktop piece, the miniVAP is still #1 for me.
Others may have different vaping wants and needs and that's great.
Love my miniVAPs