By trained professionals in a factory, using professional equipment, with quality control to RBT standards... All for $125 if ordered by 8/24![]()
But to answer your question, they are made in China if quality is geographically dependent to you. If you want to call a companies product poor quality because of where it is made you can. Every company has issues to deal with... no design / process / use is perfect and there are always things to continually improve on ... let he whom is perfect throw the first stone ...
Delighted to hear khelek41girl is still onboard! Good people, good products, good service.@sickmanfraud I do appreciate where you are coming from. I have my biggest retailer having very few issues with broken glass... I have one early retailer that had a sizable amount as the stock consisted of the early units that where made before the failure was addressed in manufacturing so there are local cases where the failure rate is high but globally it not that big a concern and with the no questions asked repair by replacement policy we are servicing the lion's share of the broken glass issues quickly. It appears you had the misfortune of getting in early on stock that might have had an elevated failure rate. I agree that that is not acceptable and I would like to send you a replacement splinter for your troubles. Please email me your name and address to and I will get one out to you with a cooling kit ASAP.
The Seed and Splinter 2 will be ditching the glass / wood interface for something more robust long term. Short term we are happy to be working with to set-up in warranty and out of warranty repair of RBT vapes. This will allow for a low cost option to have a unit repaired as well as an outlet for referbished units as well. Potentially some custom MPs will be made as well if time permits. We will also be doing some awareness media around the fact that glass is fragile. These units should be handled with care and are designed to be used as a portable with care to only apply light pressure to the glass... admittedly this is a drawback of these units for sure... thus the long term goal to design it out.
Thanks for having this candid conversation so I had the chance to let folks know about what the real issues are and that RBT is taking action to build better products based on feedback from passionate customers like you. I hope you decide to jump on the pre-order and that everyone gets a great vape and tons of free stuff in the end![]()
Yeah that uptick would have been tremendous, though it’ll get there soon enough.@Eskcharls that is the tip of the hand for the giveaway if the 500 unit mark is reached... just past 100... see prior post... and Yeh![]()
what are you looking forward to most in th
I've got both a USA Splinter Z and a Splinter Z V2 and they are both out perform any of my other vapes
I was keen to try the Milaana so very excited to see how this version turns out
what exactly is different between milaana 2 and milaana 3 generations?
IIRC the Milaana is hand-built by Ryan in the USA and the Milaana 3 will be from China.
no hardware differences like stronger heater, smaller, more ergonomic?
My fear would be that they use the same glass as in the Chinese Splinters. I had a V1 and V2 break the glass, which is not replaceable. Break the glass and you have a paperweight. IAks me I have two Splinters to prove it.
To be fair, Ryan said he would replace one of my Chinese Splinters and send a king cooling kit, but I have not heard anything about it in over a week.
I have had RBT made Vapes for a few years now. The only 2 I ever had break are the Chinese ones. One the epoxy was almost non existent on the base of the Splinter V1 and the second tipped over on the counter with a shorty stem and it broke the internal glass. I would stay silent but with others voicing their experience I find it more than oddly coincidental my Z tipped over and broke. I'm not saying that it tipped over and fell on the floor I'm saying that the mod tipped over an entire 2 inches onto its side and the glass broke.
That was a gut punch because my Z was my favorite every day vape. I have been using my eNano and Mi2 as a substitute.
return to a rounded back side, a la Mi1. Ceramic insulator of some sort at heater mount. reduced height -losing the wood bottom cap, in favor of a brass or copper plate to cover shockybits. Most changes seem in the direction of easing production of units. Fine by me if it's got that sweet sweet RBT heater hardware differences like stronger heater, smaller, more ergonomic?