Yes, it's a bible
- even with a part about vaping in 2000, the Tilt was the way to go 
The real pitty is, nowadays it's almost impossible to find by other genetics undilluted pure landrace hash with the true taste. Especially my favourite maroc, searched 200 coffe shops in the netherlands with no luck. Even at my last morocco trip in almost any sample i got i could taste a hint of pakistani
- maybe deeper in the mountains...
So to clearify my thesis it's a high possibillity that even in the past century there were some sleeping beauty's with pretty high thc in the fields, but due to growing those times it wasn't very common bc there was no large quantity

The real pitty is, nowadays it's almost impossible to find by other genetics undilluted pure landrace hash with the true taste. Especially my favourite maroc, searched 200 coffe shops in the netherlands with no luck. Even at my last morocco trip in almost any sample i got i could taste a hint of pakistani

So to clearify my thesis it's a high possibillity that even in the past century there were some sleeping beauty's with pretty high thc in the fields, but due to growing those times it wasn't very common bc there was no large quantity