Well-Known Member
These spoons are good, but you have to remember that different grind consistencies and moisture content affects the weight of the load (if measured by volume).
My life just got a little easier, when I came across these mini measuring spoons https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009X1P9S/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The second smallest one (a "smidgen") holds .04g
10 years ago I was doing real microdosing: one hit per day. Always in the evening after work and everything else was done. I was making a gram last 2 months. Then I started living with some potheads and that went out the window.
Those days are long gone but Ivm trying to get back to 1 short session per day. I stopped for 11 days recently due to being sick. I knew it would double as a tolerance break, and it put things into perspective. It had been 8 years since i went that long without consuming weed. i was fine. It helped me realize I dont "need" it as much as my addicted self claims to, since my use is mostly recreational not medicinal. If I can keep it at 1 small session per day and resist going back to doing more itll be more rewarding in many ways.
I don't have the E-nano, so I can't do a comparison for you, but the vapor through my Omnivap is very smooth. I have not had any issues with heat at all. My Vapcaps hold around .05-.07 grams, and I usually can get 3-4 heat cycles/hits from each bowl. I generally only take 1, maybe 2 hits at a time, so a bowl of .05 grams can last me awhile. They are now made with an adjustable bowl (3 positions) if you want to use even smaller loads. You can also put less in the Omnivap, even with the bowl adjusted for maximum load. It's very flexible, and just seems to work however you want to use it.Right now I'm torn between getting an OmniVap or an E-nano for microdosing. Very different vapes, I know, but they each have their own unique advantages.
Say I'm hitting the E-nano dry through a J-hook. Is the vapor going to be significantly hotter or cooler than the OmniVap? Or will they be comparable?
And can they both handle equally tiny loads?
My daily drivers are the Vapcaps. They are super efficient with your bud. I toke throughout the day and evening with tiny 0.015 bits that I tear off a flower. No grinding needed. Just pop a tiny nug in there and away you go.
Picking up the Vapcap removing the cap, popping in a nug, heating, toking and dumping the ABV takes all of a minute. Maybe a few seconds less. Easy peasy.
The Vapcap is tiny, efficient, beautiful and modular. It is an engineering marvel. It is considered indestructible. That it will work when all others fail gives me comfort. No worry about access to electricity, cords, electronics or batteries. It is a vape to last a lifetime and should be accounted for in your will.
Using a hemp filter screen sandwich takes the Vapcap to a new level. The already smooth vapor is transformed into the smoothest coolest non irritating vapor ever! Truely the best!
I pretty much get same results with my HI and can do a 0.015 load if wanted to and is just as fast to use... anyone have a glass core heater HI and a vapcap? I'd put 10 dollars the glass HI is smoother. Its smoothess I've ever had anyways.. not trying to be analyzed, just that 2 people had already vouched for the vapcap prior to my message. Thinking a hi log is closer to what the poster is looking for , it's all... I dont understand why everyone plugs the vapcap in every occasion presented , do they hand out a discount if mention their name ? True no need for electricity , cords or batteries but you do need a torch lighter ; ) So much for fucking combustion when you need a lighters my Bamboo HI itself probably cost less then higher end vapcap's. I guess I'll have to save and try one but I have other vapes I'd try prior like the shit fucker or erase , mi-log and others..
I toke throughout the day and evening with tiny 0.015 bits that I tear off a flower. No grinding needed. Just pop a tiny nug in there and away you go.
Picking up the Vapcap removing the cap, popping in a nug, heating, toking and dumping the ABV takes all of a minute. Maybe a few seconds less. Easy peasy.
Using a hemp filter screen sandwich takes the Vapcap to a new level. The already smooth vapor is transformed into the smoothest coolest non irritating vapor ever! Truely the best!
I dont understand why everyone plugs the vapcap in every occasion presented , do they hand out a discount if mention their name ?
The nug was actually too small to come into complete contact with the chamber walls so I could never make it work right since it's not really meant to be convective. It wasn't till I used ground herb that I thought, "now this is an awesome microdosing vape"
No, no discount.
The last few posts were in relation to a direct question about the Omnivap compared to an e-Nano for microdosing. Thus the Vapcap responses.
It's just a tiny, unobtrusive, extremely efficient, versatile and likely the most aesthetically pleasing vape on the market.
It appeals to people for all kinds of reasons; the semblance to the smoking ritual, the pocket friendly size, the modularity and ability to switch parts for functionality or just for fun, the simple robust build with nothing really likely to fail. I could go on,but you get the picture.
The Vapcap holds an appeal on several levels. Don't knock till you've tried it.... then maybe you will be waxing poetically about them too....even without getting a discount.![]()
omnivap is same as vapcap
Also has anyone applied microdosing to other drugs? I have always been one to use the minimum amount necessary, but this thread and my microdosing of cannabis has intensified my interest in microdosing other drugs. I had been wanting to try LSD for a while, but didn't want a full blown trip for 12 hours, at least not now. I ended up doing 1/3rd of a good tab of acid so I would assume around 40ųg and it was absolutely amazing. I rode the first 3 hours or so without any weed, then vaped on my MFLB intermittently throughout the trip and it was an absolutely phenomenal experience. But ya was just curious what other drugs people microdose.
Also has anyone applied microdosing to other drugs? I have always been one to use the minimum amount necessary, but this thread and my microdosing of cannabis has intensified my interest in microdosing other drugs. I had been wanting to try LSD for a while, but didn't want a full blown trip for 12 hours, at least not now. I ended up doing 1/3rd of a good tab of acid so I would assume around 40ųg and it was absolutely amazing. I rode the first 3 hours or so without any weed, then vaped on my MFLB intermittently throughout the trip and it was an absolutely phenomenal experience. But ya was just curious what other drugs people microdose.