So 0.25g per person per day, that two people?Holy crap...and I'm trying to keep ours to 14g/mo...and failing
That's not too shabby.
I know some who vape a gram a day
So 0.25g per person per day, that two people?Holy crap...and I'm trying to keep ours to 14g/mo...and failing
So 0.25g per person per day, that two people?
That's not too shabby.
I know some who vape a gram a day
microdosing is more so a mentality. It's about having what you need and watching your consumption
Do you find flowers microdose better than concentrates?
does anyone know roughly how much 1 medium-large hit consumes? i know there are variables, but on average .015-.02 maybe?
I have SCA (ATAXIA) type 6?
I don't measure any more.
I go by consumption per day!
1 gram COLA FLOWERS per day.
Sometimes I just have nugget's when I'm low.
SHATTER normally .25 daily.
With my new MOD I have a new mix which helped me to reduce my SHATTER in take.
EJUICE = FLAVOR you like? 30ml (0 nicotine)
SHATTER = what you like? 1 gram
I heat the liquid in a 4 oz cup of water 107F
The bottle holds 5 grms + or - (this is submerged however no H2O)
Steep for a couple of days.
Fill a TANK 1/2 full.
Right now I'm at 25watts on a PICO MEGA 80W through water path.
Now I did reduce my SHATTER consumption.
COLAS taste amazing so I won't reduce this part of my medication.
I have some other concentrate devices I use as well however it's fun to goof-off!
Do what works?
"There is not a right or wrong way just a way"!
I find concentrates harder to maintain low doses with just because it's easy to have way more haha. But at the end of the day I like both. A micro dose dab is enough to get me a more rushing high whIle still not being a large amount of cannabinoids. Really nice if I want to be stoned now and sober later
I'm curious who has been able to microdose concentrates without tolerance/amount skyrocketing. I think you're right though about the ease, especially with a pen there is unlimited options to take a draw. I wonder if that inhibits the "microdose" schedule more than the concentrated product itself.
I would say something that works well with small loads is more important than the vapor tech. Vapcap is incredibly efficient. Some vaporizers don't work that well with a microdose, some excel.
Idk, vapcap works great at it.
So what would work better for micro dosing?
Conduction or convection?
I suppose convection is logically suppose to be more efficient in concerving the herb within puffs.
But i wanted to hear more experienced posters..
Certainly! It is heated externally though via torch lighter. Small, cheap, efficient, versatile, and capable of excellent extraction.
oh, torch lighter
i got too spoiled
Can you get torch lighters or butane where you are located? I forget, I believe it was Israel?
I think the torch is ultimately pretty convenient for a micro doser, as someone who doesn't use as frequently may not have such a strict battery management schedule as others so it just "works" when they need it. The discretion of electricity is nice though, too.
I microdose every day. I take a tiny tiny nug that I tear off a bud and pop it into my Vapcap. It vaporizes the flower using a combination convection/conduction method.
It is extremely efficient with your flower.
I used to microdose using the Vapman which is strictly a butane vape, and a very good one. To a lesser extent I used to use the Lotus, but it has a bit bigger bowl.
Unlike strict butane vapes, the Vapcap can be heated using any heat source; jet lighter, bic lighter, campfire, candle, stove element, solar heater etc. It is small and shaped like a cigarette.
It has a modular build so you can swap out bodies, stems, VonGs, condensers and mouthpieces to suit your personal aesthetic and intended use. It works great with dried flowers, hash and concentrates, but not liquid.
IMO, I think that the Vapcap is the most beautiful, most efficient, tiny vaporizer on the market. I only use the Vapcap now as my daily driver.
It is also quite affordable. The price ranges from $35 for the all glass model to the titanium Omnivap for $160.
Check out the Dynavap thread.
i got so used to my electronic temp vape pen,
that any butane method for me seems like going back.
Different strokes.
I started out vaping with battery powered vapes. When I finally discovered butane vapes, I was so happy to be free of plastic parts, batteries, electronics and cords.
Then when the Vapcap came along I knew I had stumbled upon the best vape for me.
I'm not going "back" to batteries and cords.
Neither of us are going back in different directions...Hahaha
i don't quite understand how do you control temps like that..