NFC Meet the Admins on Zoom, May 25, at 7 PM GMT/3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT


EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) data is metadata embedded in all photographs taken by digital cameras, tablets, etc. It includes very helpful information about shutter speed, F length, etc., but importantly for security purposes, date, time, & location based on GPS coordinates. But this information is also publically available if you upload your photos to a public space.

If you take a photo at your home, then your home's GPS location will be available to anyone who wishes to know where you live in your photo's EXIF data, which is probably not a welcome outcome. So stripping out that EXIF metadata will make your digital photos anonymous. Before uploading your digital photos, you should always review your photo's metadata using a EXIF data viewer to see that the available metadata info is not compromising.
Thank you so much for your explanation. I'll don't really know how to check it, but at least now I know to continue with Imgur [and others] to ensure anonymity.
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