When you torch, do you heat the banger first and then drop the insert, or do you heat the banger with the insert in? If you drop, IMO that type of dab is probably the hardest to replicate with an enail, even with uptemp mode its probably still over 300 degrees when the dab is applied versus starting from ambient room temperature.
If it's the latter - Personally, I would only use a quartz insert for doing cold loaded insert drops on a torched banger. On an enail you just lose surface area. I use a sapphire insert in my setup (710gems) but the thermal properties are quite different so it compensates for the reduced area.
Torched dabs are just a different beast, IMO - the amount of soaked radiant heat just doesn't occur in an e-nail dab. Some people ultimately prefer the torch no matter what, depends on what you're looking for.
You might try calling what we've dubbed
@Shooby tek - he uses a stretched 710coil to heat his banger electrically, but then slides it off for a cordless dab, closer to the dynamics of a cool-down torched dab.