Well-Known Member
What about eating some spoons full of honey before vaping? thats a lot of suger!
thanks what about a guy like me who needs to do a few quick sessions throughout the day. I've been doing that for a long time and I have to wait a good while between sessions because these big sessions get me to the wall quicker. Is there another way around it, or does it have to be long, small-puff sessions?
I think that is the case. There are so many unexplored compounds in cannabis. I think some act as buffers or inhibitors and so serve to protect. The synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 is much simpler chemically and in its simplicity can cut through you like a clean knife. Users get into big trouble with it because there doesn't seem to be the wall effect protecting them. Many have wound up in the hospital from taking too much and the result is a crazy like they'd never experienced (I've read some harrowing experience reports). Please don't tear down the wall!So, can the wall be viewed as a type of protection, to keep someone from getting too high? I know that being too high is not pleasant for me. I like to be high enough that I can feel a change in perception, but not so high that I can't function.
Can you clarify the bolded part?...The way to combat this is to use small amounts of herb, and adjust the temperature in increments on each inhale, to the point where there is barely a cloud. This allows the lungs to think regular air is going into the lungs, so it will stay in parasympathetic mode, as long as you breathe through your nose. ....
I have found functional experiences easy with vaping, far more so than combusting. For this experience, I avoid the theoretical 'proximity effect' by keeping the material as far from the heat exchanger as possible, using lower temperatures, and fresh material that's been well kept.I like to be high enough that I can feel a change in perception, but not so high that I can't function.
yeahbut it works okay to get jacked up the first time and then take little hits from thereafter?
No, I meant as long as you exhale, and do your other breaths with your nose. It may be to irritating for some to exhale through the nose, so it's ok to exhale out your mouth, just as long as your keep your mouth closed, and breathe through your nose every time after that. I mentioned that because, a lot of people do mouth breathing(keeping their mouth open most of the time during the day)without realizing it, and this isn't a good thing for your health or high.Can you clarify the bolded part?
Are you talking about simultaneously breathing air through your nose while inhaling vapor with your mouth?
Boat-loads of incredible information
To be specific, the parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of "rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed"[citation needed] activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation.
1-It isn't your lungs that are in parasympathetic mode, but your brain. Your lungs are just relaying a message to your brain that something is wrong, due to not having a lot of oxygen coming into the system. Then the brain goes into sympathetic mode, and prepares to either run or fight, because it thinks your in danger. Once everything is back to normal, you would go back into parasympathetic mode. How strong each branch of your nervous system is(sympathetic/parasympathetic), depends on how much stress you have in your life, how much rest you get, and your diet. If you are always stressed, not that physically active, eat a lot of carbohydrates, and not much fats, you will be sympathetic dominant, which means your highs won't be as good as they can be. If you do the opposite of those things you will be in parasympathetic mode, and have strong highs.Wow, luchiano, tons of good information!
I never knew about any of this.
I think the way I vape is going to permanently change, thanks to you.
I seem to get more pleasurable/euphoric highs off of smaller accumulated hits and I never knew why. Now I do. I always wanted to know all the science behind "the wall". Thank you, luch!
No more gigantic rips for me. A lot of times I want to take a big-ass rip just to get "there" quick, but the high really isn't as good as if I took a bunch of tiny hits and was just more patient.
I've noticed before how gigantic hits can actually take you straight to the wall, almost immediately. Yeah, I think I'm finished taking really big hits.
Okay, here's a question for you, luch: How long does it take for your lungs to go back into parasympathetic mode after it's left it? So, let's say you take a hit that's so big your vision goes black. How long would it take for your lungs to recover so that you could continue to get high? What about if you took a hit that barely took you out of parasympathetic mode? How long to recover then?
Also, are gigantic hits a waste in the sense that your lungs could get out of parasympathetic mode before you absorbed all the vapor? i.e. how long does it take for your lungs to get out of parasympathetic mode after you take a massive rip that would cause that to occur?
I also always wondered about how much good properties of vapor you lose based upon your passage way and length. Like, does the cannabinoids and other goodies adhere to certain types of material easier? (i.e. glass vs plastic).
And how much does length, area, space, and time factor in? For example, some people let their vape sit a long time in bags. How much are you losing over time? And how much does area-to-vape ratio account for that? Does speed matter too? Like, the faster you hit a whip or wand or mouthpiece or whatever, the less stuff you lose?
For example, tube whip vs. the short passage way of portables. How much is lost in the length of the tube compared to the tiny little mouth pieces on portables?
What else can make your lungs get out of parasympathetic mode? Can lung distress, such as filling your lungs up to capacity, or holding your breath too long, heat, or anything like that have anything to do with it?
Oh, and about the inhaling/exhaling through your nose, you're saying if you're breathing through your mouth you can make your lungs get out of parasympathetic mode?
Also, what's the correct term for whatever mode your lungs go into when you're not in parasympathetic mode? I want to know so I can stop sounding like such an idiot. I guess you would just say when it goes from parasympathetic mode to sympathetic mode? Is that correct?
Also, what's the best food to eat to help with all of this? I think you said carbohydrates, but what specifically? And what type of carbohydrates? Complex, simple, natural, refined?
Sorry for bombarding you with questions, but I'm curious as a cat, that's why my friends call me "Whiskers". (no one is going to get that reference)
I just found this on Wikipedia:
Does that mean I could potentially get higher if I waited to take a hit right after I took a shit?![]()
It's a simple question...would you eat the moon if it was made of ribs? (One of my favorite skits of all time!)
I had a great finishing session with the Cloud last night. I packed a kief elb and took my time. I was giggling like a school girl about an hour later.
1-It isn't your lungs that are in parasympathetic mode, but your brain. Your lungs are just relaying a message to your brain that something is wrong, due to not having a lot of oxygen coming into the system. Then the brain goes into sympathetic mode, and prepares to either run or fight, because it thinks your in danger. Once everything is back to normal, you would go back into parasympathetic mode. How strong each branch of your nervous system is(sympathetic/parasympathetic), depends on how much stress you have in your life, how much rest you get, and your diet. If you are always stressed, not that physically active, eat a lot of carbohydrates, and not much fats, you will be sympathetic dominant, which means your highs won't be as good as they can be. If you do the opposite of those things you will be in parasympathetic mode, and have strong highs.
2-A long path, and wide for the vapor to travel will cause some condensation, which will cause you to lose vapor onto the tool you're using, as well as make it hard to be absorbed, due to being to thick for the aveoli to absorb the vapor. You will get some getting absorbed, but a lot will be exhaled or condense onto the lung walls. When you inhale real fast, you also are not getting as much vapor as you should get, because your lungs are filling up with excess air, due to the hot air not in contact with the herb for a long enough time. The air would be rushing through it, and not settling into it. You would get clouds though, as the air will cool off enough to cause the vapor to slow down, stick to each other, and become thick. Slow, and long is best.
3-Anything that is causing you to work harder then you normally would, will take you out of parasympathetic mode, and into sympathetic mode. The two extreme examples would be sleeping
(parasympathetic), and strenuous exercise(sympathetic).
4-Breathing through your mouth will dry it out causing your respiratory system to work harder, which causes you to take more shallow breath, and putting you more into sympathetic mode. Nose breathing leaves your mouth moist, which keeps your respiratory system from drying out, allowing you to take deeper breaths, helping you stay more into parasympathetic mode.
5- Sympathetic nervous system is the opposite of the Parasympathetic. They both are needed for us to survive, and enjoy life.
6-Carbohydrates for sympathetic, and fats for parasympathetic. In the day eating fruits, rice, beans, some sort of protein, and seeds are good, because they provide a constant source of sugars, and amino acids such as tyrosine, which turns to dopamine, to keep you having energy to do things. The seeds are high in fat, but the fats they are high in are polyunsaturated which helps full your slow twitch muscles to keep you making small movements without getting tired like walking or jogging.
At night, high monounsaturated fats, medium carbohydrates, and low protein foods, like rice, corn, oatmeal(I love it fried)almonds, peanuts, cashews, avocados,etc. are good because they allow you to relax, and sit still so your body can rebuild/heal what it needs to, when you are in a deep sleep. This is why your first hit of the day is usually the best, or you feel better after being sick. It's because your body had a chance to clean everything out, and figure out what it needs to strengthen, and what it needs to get rid of. The monounsaturated fats, and protein form the nuts, help strengthen your immune system, and clean your lymphatic system, which can cause health problems if it gets congested.
7-No problem "whiskers". It's good to ask questions, and not be a "pussy".
8-I don't know, but I know I feel good as James Brown after taking a shit.
It's not rocket science, just say "yes" and we'll move on.
Hahaha, I like you.
BTW, I once took a pair of binoculars and stared at the sun for over an hour. I'm hardcore like that.
Thanks for the informative response. I love knowing the science behind the things I love to do.
This has really been an eye opener for me and more of a reason to get healthier.
I think I'm going to do some more research on the best ways to stay parasympathetic. This has been a real eye-opener and I thank you kindly, good sir.
You don't want to stay in parasympathetic mode all the time, because you will feel lazy, and don't want to do anything. You also don't want to stay in sympathetic mode all the time, because you will never give yourself time to settle down, reflect on things, and to heal your body. They both work together. That's why I stated eating certain foods in the day to help keep your sympathetic nervous system dominant, even though the parasympathetic mode is still active just not as much as the sympathetic, and eating certain foods at night, so your parasympathetic nervous system can be dominant, and you can rest so you can heal yourself.
Think of it as being a plant. In the daytime when the sun is up, plants use sugars for energy, at night they don't use sugars as they want to relax, heal what needs to repaired, and be stronger for the next day. We are doing the same thing.
When you're parasympathetic dominant, you just want to sleep or be a zombie, eat, and watch tv, or have some lazy sex.What's the difference on the effect of your high when you're in parasympathetic mode vs sympathetic?
When you're parasympathetic dominant, you just want to sleep or be a zombie, eat, and watch tv, or have some lazy sex.
When you're sympathetic dominant, you want go out and do something, have a small bite to eat, or have some wild sex.
I guess a better question would be, does one mode allow you to get higher than the other? And I don't mean subjectively higher, as in you prefer one mode or the other, but higher in the sense of one mode allowing your body to absorb more of the goodies in mary jane.
I think I do, as I went through this years ago. Years ago when I first started my routine of getting healthy, I wasn't eating a lot, and eating enough of the right foods, so one day I just couldn't get high off of the herb I was puffing. I thought I needed a stronger batch of herbs, but when I did get some, the effect still wasn't what it should have been, considering how strong the herb was.
I then realized you hit the wall if your blood sugar is low, which happened to me because I was always working out off of low food intake. Over the years, I also realized how you puff effects if you hit the wall or not. When we inhale a thick cloud, we are activating our sympathetic nervous system a lot, and this uses up the sugars in our bodies. This is why you get the rush, the thicker the cloud is. The bad thing about this is, every time you take a thick cloud puff you lower your chances of getting higher, and higher. The way to combat this is to use small amounts of herb, and adjust the temperature in increments on each inhale, to the point where there is barely a cloud. This allows the lungs to think regular air is going into the lungs, so it will stay in parasympathetic mode, as long as you breathe through your nose. This mode deals with digestion, rebuilding/healing of the body, and relaxation. When you ingest cannabis with food, you are activating this parasympathetic nervous system, and as long as you have good blood circulation, you will just keep getting higher, and higher. If your circulation isn't the best, just go for a walk or a jog, and this should help speed things up.
An analogy is walking for 5 miles vs. running. If you walk for 5 miles, you will have less of a chance of feeling worn out, as opposed to running as fast you can. When you walk, your parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, and it uses mostly fat for energy so it can go for a long time before giving up. When you run you use up sugars, and they get used up fast. This is why you feel so drained after running real fast for a short amount of time, as opposed to walking for a long time.
Now, the real secret is making use of both of them. Since we vape, we are able to do this, because we are able to control how much of each effect we want. For example, to get the rush at a beginning of a session, you can make a thick cloud to get your body going, then on the next bowl you load, you use very little, start at a low temperature, and raise the temperature in 10 degree increments until you get to around 420f. You then load another small bowl, and raising the temperature 10 degrees each for each puff. Keep doing this, until you eat a meal with some carbohydrates to replenish your blood sugar. You then start he process all over again, so you can get the rush again, until you are done.
Hopes those this helps.
The way you inhale, and use your vaporizer, is what dictates how much you are absorbing into your body. How it reacts is based on what mode you're in, but this is when you are vaporizing. If you eat the cannabis with you're food, you will absorb less of it if you are in sympathetic mode, because your body sends a lot of blood away from the intestines, which deal with digestion, and to your skeletal muscles, which get you going, and doing stuff. Parasympathetic mode is best for cannabis absorption through food, but once you stop being highly active, your parasympathetic mode will come back into dominance anayway, and finish digestion of the food containing the cannabis. This is another reason why eating cannabis last so long, your body is going back, and forth digesting it, if you are doing stuff throughout the day.
Do you think it's bad to hold your hits in for a really long time?
Would holding your breath for a long time send your body into parasympathetic mode?
What do you recommend? Blows hits out immediately, wait a couple of seconds, or hold it until you can't hold it any longer?
I agree. Wake 'n bake never appealed to me. The sun peaking in every window judging me. Night time's the right time for me.Most of the time it seems more enjoyable for me to wait until the evening to start vaping.
I have a feeling that when I wake-n-vake that it prevents my body from going into sympathetic mode, so I'm stuck in parasypathetic mode for the entire day, or at least it feels like it.
If I wait until the evening, it feels like I can get a more enjoyable, pleasurable, euphoric, energized high.
I should mention that I'm the type of person that wakes up more the longer they are awake. I start out super tired, and I'm tired for most of the day, but when it hits bed-time I'm ready to party, haha. I know that sounds weird, but my brain is pretty fucked up, lol.
You mean like ?you know who has this wall shit already figured out is luchiano...someone get that fucker in here!