3 oz is a lot of product for some of us. A very expensive project. For me it would be cheaper to buy at the dispensaries any edibles or tincture. I have been saving ABV for my next Mag Butter Maker coconut oil venture.
I wish that we could use half herb and of the oil. We need to fill it up to the line. I wish they would come up with a mini version or a machine that used less. I would much rather make small more potent batches.
yeah i'm fortunate to have enough to experiment with. i agree that they should make a smaller model. i first tried 1.5 oz of ground and decarbed bud to 1 cup of oil,which would have been perfect, but that didn't make it to the min fill line which is why i added another 1.5 oz and another cup.
i have never tried tincture making or using alcohol because i've found what works and although i have enough bud to experiment, i have no reason to. love the coconut oil.
i grind my bud first then decarb so i'm not sure if 1.5 oz of unground bud and 1 cup of oil would make the min line. i think i checked it out before but maybe not. i'll try it later.
i'm just coming off 5 capsules that i took 4.5 hours ago (5 is too much and i'm going to stick with 4 caps per dose). i don't count the first hour so i got a lovely buzz for 3.5 hours. i'm still a little high but i just made my first bag of vape. i'd usually be 3 to 5 bags in by now and since i eat it to cut down on vaping, it worked out well.
good luck.
i have noticed that some people have the idea that say 7 grams of bud turned into an edible or oil will get them much more high than 7 grams toked or vaped. it varies from one person to the next but if i had to do one or the other, i'd pick vaping or smoking every time. if anybody is trying to extend their stash by cooking it, i'd rethink that. just my 2 cents.
edit #2 - 1 1/4 oz of unground bud makes it past the min fill line so one OZ and 1 cup of oil is enough. if i was low on buds, and wanted some more oil, i'd decarb the whole bud without grinding. i need to read up on it but i'm assuming that 240 degrees for 50 mins (or whatever time and temp is favored) or so would decarb the interior of the bud just as well as when i grind it up. even if the decarb was a bit less effective, i still get great oil without needing 3 oz of bud. if anybody knows something different, let me know.
The MB machine, like many technical advances, is not for everyone.
I recommend it to patients that have never made THC products before who find the processes intimidating.
I tried both MB and MB2 and have sold both, and I still make my butter the old way.
(tinctures, and oils also).
The patients I meet that have spent a lifetime making products with tools on hand, seem to prefer continuing use of methods that are part of their comfort zone.
@FlyingLow ...If you feel any doubt about purchasing the MB2 you are right to wait.
The machine will surely evolve as time goes on!
i made firecrackers and pop and fresh cookies for decades. making butter was a hassel, i was never comfortable with what the dosage of each edible was, and i never heard of oil before. then i stumbled on the MB2 info, and that and the idea of putting oil into capsules was perfect for me.
we made some iso hash in thailand (back in the 70s) and made thai stick and thai hash cookies. then of course we ate a couple cookies too many. we were so fucked up, i didn't eat pot again for 20 years.
i like to know exactly how much pot i'm consuming and the oil in capsules is the ticket. no muss, no fuss and i know how much is in each dose. i have the patience of a 5 year old and stirring, and watching the heat, and all that other stuff that is done the old way was never going to happen.
i'm very pleased with the unit but i can see how a hand's on person would enjoy the other way. i'm as hands off as possible.