It has been found that the decarb cycle on the MB machine isn't adequate and that decarbing your herb first helps increase the potency.
Now it's coming back to me. I remember that the previous version
included a decarb cycle in the program. I remember seeing it in the instructions, and I either called or emailed them asking if there was a way to
skip the decarb for use with ABV. I was told there wasn't, but they'd consider it as a future feature.
Apparently what they've done in this latest incarnation, in addition to the extra temperature choices, is to
omit the mandatory decarb cycle.
So, for ABV you can just run the standard cycle corresponding to the product you are making, and when using fresh flowers, you either decarb manually in the oven (as described in the new instructions), or you could (optionally, not described in instructions) run a cycle in the MB at 220 for 1hr to decarb, followed by the appropriate cycle for whatever you're making. COOL!
(Wow... that's pretty neat - I ask about a feature, as merely a
prospective buyer, and they deliver. I'm practically
obligated to buy one now

I've also heard rumblings in the Magical Butter Group that they prefer the oven decarb method.
The latest version of the instruction manual now recommends oven decarb.
{EDIT} Just dawned on me - while you might be able to do in-unit decarb for butter/oil, if you're making alcohol tincture, you'd obviously have to oven-decarb, as the 220 degrees would boil off the alcohol. DOH!