Foggin up the woods
Just remember all stainless steel is not created equal, I have seen el cheapo supposed 304S/S grinders with corrosion pits and my 304s/s CVault has rust on all the weld spots.The Old Mate uses medical grade 304S/S, just something to think about when only spending a few bucks on a stainless steel grinder...especially if the seller does not even give you the grade of S/S.
Ben at Old Mate will make the grinders from any material you ask for and even has Ti if you want (I upgraded to 316S/S myself). Just a shame Ben (OM) is too busy to make grinders at this time...should be able to again soon I hope.
Yeah that’s another reason I’ve decided on BCG. They use a really good aluminum. Good enough I’m not sure I’ll get a second stainless model. Thanks for all the input!