Hello Jerry,
Sorry to chime in so late in the conversation, but had to add my
Everyone here will have their own opinion, but do not really know your personal preferences ('sometimes we live in no particular way but our own'-GD).
My advice would be to read through some of the threads here (lots of good info and many of your ?'s above were already answered with pics, etc.) before deciding (an investment in your health is no good if you do not enjoy using it and, therefore, don't). Plus you get a feel for the degree of insight some of the people making recommendations here have into current vaporization technology, the market, and tools

I have not used the VB of the Cannon, but I would check out the threads for the Extreme, Vrip Heat Wand, DaBuddah, and (yes) the Purple Days (sorry if I forgotten any good ones off of the top of my head

Hope this helps.
Toke it easy!
PS: If cost were less of a factor the Herborizer, De-Verdamper, and Volcano are worth checking out as well.
Edit: Also, the I-inhale is a functional (and hopefully durable/affordably-maintainable) portable worth checking out