Looking for a new battery portable


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm kinda thinking at the moment though I'm really torn between it and the roffu lite kit from 420edc because they have the roffu lite kit on sale right now for 125 with the wpa and the potv V3 Pro is about 117 with the wpa and from the various comments I've read it seems the roffu has a bit of extra horsepower if I'd want it.

Don't get the package deal V3 with the WPA because it's a multiuse adapter unless you want a 10-14-18mm adapter. Personally, I don't use anything 10mm, so it's just added restriction. So, if you're ok just using 14mm pieces then buy the vape for $98 then use the $10 gift card they send you and place another order for the Xmax V3 pro wpa that's 14mm.


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Company Rep
I don't get good flavor from my Roffu though as others do
The new Roffu mouthpiece/wpa allows for less silicon in the vapor path and only acts as a seal between glass pieces, airflow and flavour both go up a bit...along with heat but good clouds are found as low as 160c/320f for me but I usually sit on 180c unless on a water piece..
Any 10mm (and a bit bigger) stem can be used,

I still like my j-hook hack more as I can load a larger bowl but for straight off-the-shelf, the new mouthpiece/wpa is great.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
That's what I'm kinda thinking at the moment though I'm really torn between it and the roffu lite kit from 420edc because they have the roffu lite kit on sale right now for 125 with the wpa and the potv V3 Pro is about 117 with the wpa and from the various comments I've read it seems the roffu has a bit of extra horsepower if I'd want it.

I had the v3 pro for a bit and, while I really liked it overall, it was woefully underpowered. In anything colder than room temperatures, it couldn't fully extract the high temp stuff I need, even in session mode. I had the intakes mostly covered with a band, temp max, and it was underwhelming. Very good vape if you like mid to low temps, I'm sure.

Have the roffu coming any day now from that sale and have hopes that it does perform as well as people say. I prefer a vape with a fully cleanable airpath, which the roffu (and v3p) don't have, but I'm willing to give it a shot since it's a neat design.


Well-Known Member
I had the v3 pro for a bit and, while I really liked it overall, it was woefully underpowered. In anything colder than room temperatures, it couldn't fully extract the high temp stuff I need, even in session mode. I had the intakes mostly covered with a band, temp max, and it was underwhelming. Very good vape if you like mid to low temps, I'm sure.

Have the roffu coming any day now from that sale and have hopes that it does perform as well as people say. I prefer a vape with a fully cleanable airpath, which the roffu (and v3p) don't have, but I'm willing to give it a shot since it's a neat design.
Yeah I'd definitely say I'm more high temp so please let me know they compare. The videos I've seen definitely make it seem like the V3 isn't really lacking but I'm still really torn. And playing with the carts I noticed that with my tax ordering from potv that the V3 actually comes out more expensive then the roffu right now (but potv has other things I could use). I'm definitely thinking I'm going to at least hang back until Black Friday to make a for sure decision. I've been doing way too much window shopping and I've been looking at some glass and even been looking at adding other little things like another wpa for my dyna tip and then I seen the new twist from sticky brick and I want that of course now too. Although I may consider selling my flip for one depending on how the feedback rolls out for it. Oh how I hate vas without money for all of it lmao.
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