@lwien I definitely meant vapor path, I thought I was careful not to mention the air path because it's not particularly important to this question and then I looked at the title of the thread... duuurp
@LarryYo I'm with you on the shorter vapor path, at the moment I prefer it
@Seek I don't think the length has any bearing on filtering, but good call on the complexity, I'd assume that would be simple things like bends/pinches in glass.
I'm asking partly out of curiosity and partly because I'm thinking about upgrading the micro bubbler I got with my portable.
I started to read up and I see lots of fancy glass parts, some really good looking bits of kit but ultimately left thinking 'yeah, looks nice but what does it all actually do, how much of that do I really need?', I'm not knocking anyone for enjoying their experience, just working out how I want to enjoy mine