Are there any negatives that I should know about before ordering? I'll be using it purely with the water adapter, and I'm coming from an arizer solo.
You'll want a fairly substantial bubbler. The vapor flow is much more open than the solo.
No, they do not come with one.Does the cosmetic seconds come with the water adapter? Or do I have to buy that separately
No, they do not come with one.
If you have a M2M adapter, (they come with a lot of DHGate purchases), you can use that as a WPA and, from what people say, works pretty damn well, and it's hands free
Just buy screens
Awesome pics and nice looking LSV!Well i got my Lsv over the weekend. I have to say it is very powerful , i was not expecting so much power and i like it allot. My 1st few sessions all ended in some combustion as i was feeling it out. I have the wpa that i like allot so far. I am not a fan of stirring but have come up with a few ways around it so far that have worked very well for me. I am new to the lsv so i still have some more testing to do but so far i have had amazing results using my m2m and my hydra tube , i took the m2m and inserted a eq basket screen at each end and put my material in the middle of the m2m enclosing it in. This worked very well considering the fact i was using a ht and my material was more towards the bottom towards the heater. The amazing thing about it was there was no stirring , bc i was using a basket screen at each end all i did was take it out every few hits and just give it a shake which kinda omitted me having to stir and worked perfect. Huge hits of smooth vapor through the ht , i would still have to test how this works when the m2m is being used inverted. All my sessions were at around 11-12:30 on the dial. Next i got the @DDave kit for my extreme q which comes with eq basket screens and a shorty wand , i put a eq elbow screen supplied in the shorty wand and packed that. It worked very well also. Shorter air path than the stock wand and the vapor was very cool. I got a good 10 hits out of that small packing and prob could have got more but i did not stir and was already heavily medicated. The DDave kit also comes with some extras and a nice thick tube to attach to the wand if i'd like which i have not experimented with yet. Also took my glass knob off the temp setting , it is really nice but that thing is huge.![]()
The LSV Kit will include this wand and the custom baskets that fit.Wow that smaller wand looks amazing...Maaaaaaaay need to invest.
I know DDave is releasing his there one for both wpa and dry glass? If he does make one for a stem...anyone know the length? Shorter than the standard?
Would this bowl work instead of an m2m?
That is for combustion , you got to fuck combustion. You need the 18mm side at both ends. If you plugged that into a lsv and heated it up you'd be wasting allot of vapor to the air. Go look at my post a few up you'll see what you need , also through this thread many have posted pics of there's.Would this bowl work instead of an m2m?