Vapor concierge
Do you load your material onto the internal screen?
I never use the transfer want, always the wpa with a bubbler. Even when rotating the unit I find dark spots, so I always stir between hits.
Do you load your material onto the internal screen?
I never use the transfer want, always the wpa with a bubbler. Even when rotating the unit I find dark spots, so I always stir between hits.
How would you use it dry?same here.... and you can use the 18m/18m adapter dry!
i do that everytime and love how it works!when you dont overfill you can shake the wand instead of stirringHow would you use it dry?
Also, has anyone tried using Arizer basket screens in the wand?
Alright after just two smallish hits on like 1230ish through the D020-T, I can already see how much better the LSV is through water, using a male-male adapter and an EQ basket screen. Easy to leave the bowl and everything in the bubbler and set the LSV down like a lighter, also makes stirring between hits very simple for more evenly cooked loads (smaller too with the EQ screen, I'm going to try to cram a screen a little further down the adapter if I can for a bigger bowl option). So the journey begins
@Raskin666 I did try that before my bubbler arrived, and it did not work as well and spilled bud when removing, the transfer wand just doesn't line up with the heater so consistently I've found and fits a little to snug...
wow you got me thinking there. but sadly i think its not possible to use them wet, the only way would be to run it lsv on top filled with water to the middle, but then water would splash into the higher tube going into the air path. i dont think it would be cool. and yes emptying is an other story :/Also saw these on eBay and wondered if they might work with the LSV
I think they could function as an ash catch with the LSV upsidedown coming at the bowl from above, but I realize maybe these would be hard to unload after a session if there's water in the adapter that's holding the herb? They could be a nice f-bomb like water tool too, but I don't know if they could work with the LSV right side up? I'm not entirely sure I've got a handle on how they work exactly...
Interesting problem I've been having with LSV, the knob does not turn smoothly anymore. From the noon to 3 o clock setting, it feels gravelly. Does anyone know a fix for this? I feel like I just need to lube something. I don't really have any lube right now either, I've always just used spit as needed
I think that the restriction built into the long transfer wand is part of why it tastes so smooth (along with its length)![]()
I don't actually have much of an issue with the transfer wind, I get pretty a pretty good vapor to air ratio with that - but when attached to glassware using my 14mm WPA I get full up on air pretty quickly for some reason. If any technique suggestions I would be happy to test them out!
does that work with the stand i listed or do i need to get one of those stands that doesnt have a mic clipWhatever stand you decide on, you'll want a shockmount along these lines for the lsv:®-Black-Universal-Microphone-Bearable/dp/B00C86FA0E/ref=sr_1_11?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1403543425&sr=1-11
i asked on amazon and some guy said you need a studio microphone stand and shock mount? no idea what either of them are... Can someone please link me the cheapest microphone stand/mount that'll work with the lsv? I'm torn between the ssv and lsv but if i can get a microphone stand for cheap I will buy the lsvIt should adapt to that stand or most any other mic stand. The way I have most seen it used with the lsv most often is with the kind of stand that clamps to a tabletop, that may be the ticket to offset its weight.
thanks thatll work, a little bit more expensive than i thought and im not sure what those extra wires do.. but it looks like the right one. I'll place my order for a lsv tonight, but does anyone have a link for a slightly cheaper one?