Hi there,
I have been reading this forum for years but just created an account today, I guess I was lazy to participate...
My goal in 2014 is to go all vape and quit cigarettes and joints. It is f** hard I must precise: more than a pack a day and about an ounce per week, 8-15 joints/day (mixed tobacco weed joints w/ no filter) for 20 years, I feel like diesel car inside, but I know I am in the right place.
Smoking e-cig is ok, I can handle it I still get my nicotine in it but I always buy a pack to roll joints, or if I have papers i would roll instead of using my vapos (and I start to have a nice collection though). Then if there are cigarettes around it is difficult to stick to e-cig...
I really appreciate vaping but I can't help myself and still smoke joints too. My LSV was taking dust so I decided to buy a WT, I went for this bong from Grace glass:
Been using it for 2 weeks now, the quality is nice, the glass is heavy and look strong. I added some glass diffuser beads too.
Problem is that I have never been a bong user and I really do not feel confortable holding it. Also the hits are really strong like hit on a classic bong with lighter (which I hate) and I feel my stuff get "smoked" really fast (4-5 big hits per bowl, clock 11 till max progressively). Also the experience is great but it is too close to a classic smoking bong hit for me, too quick too strong if I can say, maybe I am too much used to smoking joints. I LOVE the taste of the first and second hit with the LSV but it is too strong.
If I take long steady hits with the beast above it always becomes a huge hit and I cough and sneeze

I dont really manage to make milky hit though... maybe my WT is too big?
I also tried warm water, I must say it is not bad!
Question is: would it be better experience with a smaller WT? like a oil bong or a bubbler maybe?
I was thinking of buying a PNWT anyways coz it is cool when on the go, and fits really easily in LSV bag too.
But for home I cannot keep hitting that huge didgeridoo all day long, it is too strong and too fast. would like to make my experience smoother...
Any idea(s) are welcome!!! Thanks!
Waiting for a Jedi master to enlight my young padawan self