The problem I seem to be having is even when just barely inserting the wants to stick...hard. I don't know if this is from the difference in temps between the heater cover and wand...maybe the wand is expanding enough during the short time they are in contact to form a tighter seal? This was especially pronounced the one time I used my saturn vapor tamer...I placed it gently in the socket...with no twisting or pressing or anything like that...for at most 30 seconds and then I was completely unable to remove it. I tried twisting and pulling, rocking, and gentle tapping. In the end I had to let both units come to room temperature before I was able to get them apart. I have since been too uneasy to try it again.
I don't like keeping the wand attached for any length of time. I generally insert, puff puff, remove. In the course of one wand load it gets stuck 2 or 3 times.
I only use keck clips when other patients are involved. Too many people can't seem to figure out how to pull the slide without the down-stem going for a ride. :/