I was looking at it the other night, the lattice bub has the same diameter base as a möbius ion bub, but its thicker (5mm möbius vs 7mm leviathan).
I recall BDV mentioning that he let a friend hit his lattice, and they said it hit better than a möbius stereo matrix.
Given I'd say I'm one of the biggest möbius fanboys on here, my thought was

After owning a stereo matrix for a bit though, I'd have to say I agree.
Purely from a functional perspective, I've gotta say I prefer the lattice.
Aesthetically I'd call them about even for the percs, I love the look of both the lattice and the matrix, but for overall form factor I'd give the edge to the lattice bub over my 60t.
And sentimentally, it totally goes to the lattice. Not only is my one from the FC blasted limited run (and therefore a super bargain), but I've been able to talk with lev directly through PMs, and publicly in the forums, and he's a genuinely nice guy (we seem to have an over-representation of nice people here on FC -

I can also confirm the height of the bub is about 12".
I have a shelf I keep most of my glass on, which has approx 13" of clearance, and the lattice fits in there comfortably