Rep'ing my latest Lev piece tonight. This time, the bubbler. To say it was a hit, would be an understatement. All in attendance, where blown away when I showed them my deft touch with the bubble stacking, then down to business. The FC Bubbler handled all the top shelf and bubble hash we could throw at it. I got several, eye's bulging, lung expanding looks and explanations of the "biggest hit ever!"
Oh yeah... Daddy knows how to party.
Walked out of there, with quite a bit of hardly vaped stuff (these guys always want, "fresh" hits. OK by me. Plus a little something for bringing the entertainment.

Just under a gram of top shelf Sativa and Indica.
Though, to my shock and dismay

... as I was leaving and buddy was walking me out, he says, "Hey... you know you're always welcome... but, could you bring that other big glass piece next time?" Of course.. the BDV.