Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)


I think it needs to be made quite clear, that bubbler #2, will most certainly accommodate a Cloud. It appears, some people on the forum are unaware of the work that went into designing and finally getting this/these bubblers off the ground. Some people are uninformed about this thread and think the Leviathan just popped up and Lev slipped in here, trying to score a sale on a bubbler.

There wouldn't be a "FC Bubbler", if not for this thread and the contributions of Lev and all who took part in it. While things didn't always go his, or our way, at times. Let's not forget who and when, even after falling on his ass, still came through.

Its a shame, Lev's not given more credit for that.


Vapor concierge
There is another vape I will be revealing today. Dont trip guys. But the mesh perc vape was made with what you guys wanted in mind. As far for cloud clearance I do not believe we'd be able to make the change but I will work on it. Also to order the pipe which its list is at about full you needed to message me with the information I had requested prior.

This is Lev's post, that was written in response to a concern about the Cloud not clearing on the pic he posted for the fc bubbler. This is the post that led me to believe that the Cloud would not work on the on it. Did I misinterpret this post, or was it about a different product? Or am I correct and you did not see it?


This is Lev's post, that was written in response to a concern about the Cloud not clearing on the pic he posted for the fc bubbler. This is the post that led me to believe that the Cloud would not work on the on it. Did I misinterpret this post, or was it about a different product? Or am I correct and you did not see it?

He meant bubbler, not vape and that is bubbler #2. The one I posted the picture of. Lev for whatever reason, owns the dumbest smartphone on the planet.

Its not just one bubbler. When I met with him, to pick up my piece we discussed the release of 2 bubblers. The #1 bubbler released, wasn't really expected to work with the Cloud, as the Cloud was still beta and no one had one. It came into discussions later, which is why 2 bubblers sprouted up. There were so many ideas that people wanted implemented, a lot got moved to #2.

EDIT: I can't see a reason this wouldn't work with a Cloud. The mouthpiece joint sits low enough, that it shouldn't be an obstruction. Its not a Dewaar, but that's not a requirement. The base is wide enough...

EDIT II: Apologies. I said, most definitely fit the Cloud. I'm not 100% on that, but I can't see why it wouldn't.



Is this it?


"1' Tall Hand Blown Glass Shower Head Glass on Glass Bubbler

This is a great deal! This M & M Tech hand blown glass bubbler features a shower head diffused stem, glass on glass 19mm bowl connection, and a removable glass on glass mouth piece. One of the best values we offer. They sell out quick, buy it while it's in stock!"

And this looks familiar, :)


That perc sure is pretty!!!


Well-Known Member
The bubbler will DEFINITELY work with a Cloud. It may require a $15 angle adapter. I much prefer using a 33 degree angle adapter with any glass piece whether the Cloud fits without one or not. I can't think of any piece of glass I have seen with a 18mm joint that wouldn't work with a Cloud+adapter. Most 14mm pieces will also work with the proper adapter.


Lev of Leviathan
Glass Blower
Hey guys BDV basically covered everything also for the M&M tech bubbler it is the same but the base is different sturdier. As for the second yeah same thing we are the same company now lol. Difference is price point and style and FC Markings.

Paypal will be the method given as of Friday. Yeah you can order both bubblers as of this Friday. Shipping varies from state to state. I'm not giving a bs flat rate. Specs will be posted Friday. Just need time to make them but the joint's are 14mm glass is 0.7mm and it stands at about 8 inches. It should be cloud compatible. Lastly AWESOME vid on the Typhon Omega and If I am not mistaken all future lineups will be MnM Tech Stamped with a New Logo designed by me. Makes it a hell of allot easier.


Micro-Climate Mastermind
So we can order Friday but they don't ship til oct 1st? Did I get that right?


Lev of Leviathan
Glass Blower

That should do, since we do not usually use this method if anyone encounters issues please let me know. If anyone placed a credit card order through us today our server is down again. All Paypal orders will go through just fine. US BUYERS ONLY

Also I am not sure if this is giving a printed invoice. If its not let me know. -__- I hate paypal. As for shipping its a bit pricey but that includes shipping packaging and handling. Anyone with an issue on shipping is more then welcome to come pick theirs up.


Lev of Leviathan
Glass Blower
Payment sent sir Lev, Shipping was a little more than excepted. What service will you be using?

Also the receipt worked fine
Haha I replied to you in the comment above you. I am going to go with UPS for the first few if I have no issues I will continue to use their services. I usually freight ship but it doesn't seem cost effective here. Given a bitchin' 18 wheeler dropping off a small package is kidna cool. Ow N Congratulations Mac you will be the first person out of state to ever receive their FC Bubbler

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I just checked out the link, I'm guessing that shipping rate is for US buyers?
Also, it's showing tax for me, since I'm intl, there shouldn't be any applicable taxes that I know of? (it changed it from "tax" to "GST" when I logge in to PayPal, an I know that here in Australia, you don't pay GST on imports under $1,000 :shrug:)
Will we be able to bundle the shipping if we are ordering both bubblers?

Oh, also, I haven't seen a pic of the mouthpiece of the 2nd bubbler, I'm just curious if the mouthpiece is flared out where you put your lips in the inside, or if it's a small one that you put your lips around the outside?

Either way, I'm glad to see them progressing :)

Last thing;
Just need time to make them but the joint's are 14mm glass is 0.7mm and it stands at about 8 inches
Is that a typo or am I misunderstanding that?
Cuz 0.7mm glass sounds pretty thin :lol:
Frederick McGuire,


Lev of Leviathan
Glass Blower
7mm Lol good catch, I should have mentioned the international shipping link will be posted Monday. Its a bit confusing calculating shipping globally. Fredrick I will bundle both bubblers just message me with your order details. Our mouthpiece is pretty much the same as the M&M tech mini bubblers piece. If you have any other questions let me know.


vapor nerd
payment sent! link was a bit messy but still let me put an order through, didn't have any place to put my fc username so I hope he knows it was me!

edit: so that link was for the mesh perc bubbler? cheers


Well-Known Member
Today has been pricey between the FC bubbler and a new persei.

Anyone know of a good whip adapter for this bubbler???
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