Kleen extract


Well-Known Member
yep, from the msds it is not "pure" ethanol. @farscaper , I'm not sure how the tiny amount of iso has any effect on the water absorption; seeing as both ethanol and iso absorb atmospheric water. But you bring an intriguing point to the forefront as you stated...does the mixture give the effect of non-absorption of atmospheric water? The two individually, as stated, absorb atmospheric water; but the mixture, hmmm is right. I don't know if it does have any bearing on water absorption as I am not a chemist.
And, lol, @farscaper for the qwetiso, hehe, that's exactly what it is :lmao:...perfect call for a naming convention for KleenX!

I am also curious to know at what rate does the ethanol, the KleenX, and ISO99 absorb atmospheric water. I know I would want to go with whichever absorbs the slowest.
keep in mind... im in nooooo way knocking kleenx.

it is a 100% ethyl alcohol....

now... im no chemist either... but...

if an azotrope is a
mixture of two or more liquids whose proportions cannot be altered by simple distillation.

and both isoproply and ethanol share similar polarities .... theoretically you could force the water from the solution by creating a bond between the ethanol and the isoproply ...
thus maintaining the nature of the azotropic bond but without the water constituent...

... ... ... I think the evap that @mephisto performed might support this theory seeing as the everclear left a water puddle while the kleenx evaporated evenly...

thoughts? sorry bored and cant sleep.

coppied strait from Wikipedia in reference to above:
Distillation of ethanol/waterEdit
A common historical example of azeotropic distillation is its use in dehydrating ethanoland water mixtures. For this, a near azeotropic mixture is sent to the final column where azeotropic distillation takes place. Several entrainers can be used for this specific process: benzene, pentane,cyclohexane, hexane, heptane, isooctane,acetone, and diethyl ether are all options as the mixture.[2] Of these benzene and cyclohexane have been used the most extensively. However, because benzene has been discovered to be a carcinogenic compound, its use has declined. While this method was the standard for dehydrating ethanol in the past, it has lost favor due to the high capital and energy costs associated with it.[citation needed] Another favorable method and less toxic than using benzene to azeotrope water is to use toluene instead.[citation needed]

seems to me perhaps they used isopropyl as the azeotrope...
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New Member
pshhh I dont know why I didnt see this page of the msds...


but uhhh... is kleenx really pure ethanol... its close... but whats that less than 10% there?

edit: propan-2-ol... is isopropyl.

like I assumed it is a ethanol mixture... not much of one... but its a mix...
its even refered to as an ethanol mixture in the msds

note that figure
less than 100% ethanol
less than 10% isopropyl

qwetiso :hmm:

as I said... ethyl is any alcohol that readily sublimates at room temperature...

so this is an ethyl alcohol and it is listed and as it is sold.

not pure ethanol... but.... does this blend prevent the water absorption issue?

thats my question now!
That is a MSDS for a product we are not selling. http://www.kleenxtract.com/msds/ is the right

mine came today delivered by UPS
Thank you for all the love.

i did a run and the taste is way improved from my regular everclear runs and i thought my everclear tech was really good i just always had i slight sugar taste with EC but with the KX i only get the herb taste. i will definitely use this shit from now on
Tell me it is you on the next order and we will add a free quart.

Wanted to start this thread in anticipation of the "new" solvent Kleenxtract. The order I placed for a gal. over a month ago has not arrived. I was assured by the nice folks at Kleen that my order had shipped 3 weeks ago...
Anyone else tried this yet? Any responses are welcome. I am interested to see if this will trump my usual ethanol solvent.
We at kleenxtract are excited to see our impact on the community. Mephisto, thank you for your interest especially. Send me an email again and I'll be more then happy to accommodate you with anything I can. We had no idea how quickly this would "combust" as you can say and have made the accommodations to keep up with all orders. We're ready to rock.
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Well-Known Member
Hey KleenX, welcome to the site,

Is your product foodsafe like Everclear, can you drink it?


New Member
Hey KleenX, welcome to the site,

Is your product foodsafe like Everclear, can you drink it?
I can neither confirm nor deny. However its kosher and organic and you need to be 21 to buy it. But seriously don't drink it.

OK getting the hang of these chat room thingy majigs. Everyone I greatly appreciate these forums it is rare that I can contact multiple end users directly and know where I need to pick up the slack. Keep em coming.
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Well-Known Member
OK getting the hang of these chat room thingy majigs. Everyone I greatly appreciate these forums it is rare that I can contact multiple end users directly and know where I need to pick up the slack. Keep em coming.
Do you ship discreet? What do you recommend for wash time? If I order a gallon can I request 4 quart jugs instead of 1 gallon jug?


Well-Known Member
@KleenXtract can you explain why there are two msds sheets avalible online for you product for me then?

there really isnt anything avalible ti research your product other than youtube videos and these two msds sheets...

I hope you have taken no offence to my questuoning and picking at your product. I think any truly quality product can stand up to a detailed analysis from a potential customer... I had been excited for this product. .
but... you kinda just knocked me aside instead of adressing anything I commented on...

why are there two msds sheets available at the same site you use to host your current msds?

I mean... if all I did was google it and am so mistsken... pehaps that should be taken down (the wrong msds) and corrected...

but that doesnt address the fact all of my questions are still unanswered.

@KleenXtract nevermind I see you already yanked it..................................................
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Great Scott!
Kleen having you post here is HUGE for me. The little bit of effort goes a long way.

So can you confirm there is or isn't isopropyl in the product?

I've been spreading word of this product but haven't tried it yet for budget reasons, but I'm excited anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to register and post here. Its really appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I also appreciate kleen's participation on the forum.
I'm assuming an adult signature is required which is why I'm hoping to get tracking so I can get my order held somewhere for pickup.

This is order 10433.


know fear
...what does the price per liter work out to...???...

...anyone heard of Grave's...???...
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Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
...what does the price per liter work out to...???...

...anyone heard of Grave's...???...
Yeah, Graves is like a different brand of Everclear; grain alcohol. The highest proof I can find in my area is 151.

@KleenXtract it is always a plus to have manufacturer presence here in this forum. WELCOME. I placed my order as soon as I learned of your product because I am always looking to improve my extracts.
Now to my question. I ordered a quart for a trial run and I see the transaction cleared my CC. But, I have received no confirmation of order or shipping info.


H.A.L. got screwed!
I also appreciate kleen's participation on the forum.
I'm assuming an adult signature is required which is why I'm hoping to get tracking so I can get my order held somewhere for pickup.

Welcome to the forum @KleenXtract , I, we, appreciate you joining and starting to answer our questions.

In addition to hearing answers to the above, if I order, must I sign to receive the shipment?

That is a deal breaker for me as I cannot be at my residence to sign for the package and I cannot leave work to go pick it up from the shipper.


Well-Known Member
As a MMJ user from Mass, I'm really excited to hear about this product. Dispensaries aren't open yet, and Ethanol isn't allowed to be sold in stores. Finding a place willing to ship ethanol to MA has been a pain, so hopefully this will be easier to purchase. Can't wait to see some pictures of runs done with this stuff!
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Well-Known Member
With KleenXtract @ $80/gallon, I'll stick with EC. I'd imagine as soon as you pop to top on the KleenXtract, water will be absorbed... eventually equilibrating out at ~95-96%... just like all the molecular grade, 200 proof ethanol we commonly use in the lab.

Unless this formulation is different, I'd expect a similar outcome. But, maybe I am mistaken? I guess, I will have to await several side-by-side extraction comparisons to determine if using KleenXtract is worth over twice the investment.


Well-Known Member
With KleenXtract @ $80/gallon, I'll stick with EC. I'd imagine as soon as you pop to top on the KleenXtract, water will be absorbed... eventually equilibrating out at ~95-96%... just like all the molecular grade, 200 proof ethanol we commonly use in the lab.

Unless this formulation is different, I'd expect a similar outcome. But, maybe I am mistaken? I guess, I will have to await several side-by-side extraction comparisons to determine if using KleenXtract is worth over twice the investment.
But wouldn't the ec also attract moisture?

2x $? Where to get ec @$40/gal? Wine chateaux has 750ml for $21.
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Well-Known Member
But wouldn't the ec also attract moisture?

2x $? Where to get ec @$40/gal? Wine chateaux has 750ml for $21.

To my knowledge, EC shouldn't attract more moisture, because it is at the ethanol/h20 equilibrium point @~95% ethanol. I could be wrong though.

1 gallon of EC is $35.99 at my local liquor store across the street. Prices elsewhere likely vary.

Edit...oops, it was only a 1.75L (a little less than half a gallon) bottle of EC for $36. Therefore, KleenXtract is pretty much on par with EC cost wise. I stand corrected.
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H.A.L. got screwed!
But, I would still like to know the answer to @farscaper theory/question about if the tiny amount of iso in the KleenX prevents water absorption...you know the azeotropic properties that the two may have that he was discussing. If that is the case and the KleenX doesn't absorb water from the atmosphere, then I think we have a clear winner and a new category and @farscaper gets the credit for....QWETISO!


New Member
@KleenXtract, i see you got my email. thanks for joining us! really looking forward to trying your product. i currently use Everclear, but the thought of even less water in my wash is appealing no doubt.

again welcome aboard!

i also posted on their instagram page lol i couldnt wait for them to join the convo!
@KleenXtract thanks for joining buddy! glad to see i able to get through to you guys swiftly

excited for my order to come!


Well-Known Member
But, I would still like to know the answer to @farscaper theory/question about if the tiny amount of iso in the KleenX prevents water absorption...you know the azeotropic properties that the two may have that he was discussing. If that is the case and the KleenX doesn't absorb water from the atmosphere, then I think we have a clear winner and a new category and @farscaper gets the credit for....QWETISO!
I think kleen disappeared that mds page. 100% ethanol seems to be actual factual.


Active Member
Perhaps adding a little ISO immediately upon opening KleenX would create this azeotropic property? If the theory indeed holds true.

Is there any well know additive that is safe that would achieve this?
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