keep in mind... im in nooooo way knocking kleenx.yep, from the msds it is not "pure" ethanol. @farscaper , I'm not sure how the tiny amount of iso has any effect on the water absorption; seeing as both ethanol and iso absorb atmospheric water. But you bring an intriguing point to the forefront as you stated...does the mixture give the effect of non-absorption of atmospheric water? The two individually, as stated, absorb atmospheric water; but the mixture, hmmm is right. I don't know if it does have any bearing on water absorption as I am not a chemist.
And, lol, @farscaper for the qwetiso, hehe, that's exactly what it is...perfect call for a naming convention for KleenX!
I am also curious to know at what rate does the ethanol, the KleenX, and ISO99 absorb atmospheric water. I know I would want to go with whichever absorbs the slowest.
it is a 100% ethyl alcohol....
now... im no chemist either... but...
if an azotrope is a
mixture of two or more liquids whose proportions cannot be altered by simple distillation.
and both isoproply and ethanol share similar polarities .... theoretically you could force the water from the solution by creating a bond between the ethanol and the isoproply ...
thus maintaining the nature of the azotropic bond but without the water constituent...
... ... ... I think the evap that @mephisto performed might support this theory seeing as the everclear left a water puddle while the kleenx evaporated evenly...
thoughts? sorry bored and cant sleep.
coppied strait from Wikipedia in reference to above:
Distillation of ethanol/waterEdit
A common historical example of azeotropic distillation is its use in dehydrating ethanoland water mixtures. For this, a near azeotropic mixture is sent to the final column where azeotropic distillation takes place. Several entrainers can be used for this specific process: benzene, pentane,cyclohexane, hexane, heptane, isooctane,acetone, and diethyl ether are all options as the mixture.[2] Of these benzene and cyclohexane have been used the most extensively. However, because benzene has been discovered to be a carcinogenic compound, its use has declined. While this method was the standard for dehydrating ethanol in the past, it has lost favor due to the high capital and energy costs associated with it.[citation needed] Another favorable method and less toxic than using benzene to azeotrope water is to use toluene instead.[citation needed]
seems to me perhaps they used isopropyl as the azeotrope...
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