OK... so guess I'll have to be the first to complain about V&C's work.
My gripe? This GonG is just too fuckin pretty!! It beckons me from across the room, glistening in the sunlight with its blue & green loveliness, begging me to come give her another load. At night, a flicker from the TV will hit her just right and she seems to wink at me. I haven't started having conversations with her yet, nor am I calling her my presssss-ious, but I'd swear I was invisible for a few moments last night while getting one of those killer hits through her from the nano.
I usually try to go pretty light on the stash, but this bitch makes it near impossible!
I'm only putting this out here as fair warning to others. If you're prone to leaving your GonG on top of your piece like I am, you'd better stock up and be ready for serious temptation. So far the only way I'm able to resist is to leave the house, or put her down on the table and cover her up with a napkin. I already had to put her sister, the stem, in my toy box. The two of them on the same table together were double-teaming me into getting way too vaked, way too much!
So take heed... if you already find the nano very tempting, adding some of this gorgeous glass will make it much worse.
On a bit of a more serious note... hard to say for certain because having trouble putting a stock GonG back on for comparison, but think I REALLY like the longer GonG much better. Shouldn't make much of a difference in theory, but would swear it delivers consistently better hits. Then again, could just be my infatuation adding to the equation.
Thanks again
@VaPeD&CoNfUsEd !!!! These are some great, beautiful pieces!