Hey guys! My sincere appologies for this long, long overdue album of the amazing bucket and dropdown I just got from JoDa! I've had it a few days now, but wanted to make sure it was good and dirty before I posted pictures.

(I've actually just been crazy busy...) I'm glad it worked out that I could post these at a time when this thread is quiet, though, so I can give everybody some seriously x-rated glass porn.
First off I gotta say that this thing is absolutely beautiful, and there's no way pictures can do it justice. Nonetheless I did my best.
First off, here's the whole setup in sunlight:
I've got it on my diffusion pump and it's really truly epic. The dropdown fits the pump wonderfully, and more than that, the airflow and rumble is
perfect. And I mean perfect. I've tried many different nails and a few different dropdowns on the pump and for whatever reason, the way this setup makes it rumble is amazing. I actually like using the diffusion pump much more now than I did with anything else. It lives on my table next to my d-cycler and recently I've been favoring the d-cycler, but since my JoDa order arrived I've almost forgotten that the d-cycler existed...
Moving on with the pictures, the kraken on the dropdown might be my favorite JoDa kraken I've seen yet (not to brag or anything...) (but yeah, to brag a little

The camera just can't pick up the details in the tentacles...
Love the spots on his head.
And the two little tentacles curled up at the back
And then, of course, there's the bucket. HOLY SHIT:
I absolutely love this thing. I've tried a number of honey buckets at this point, and function-wise it works wonderfully. I also love how the kraken's head works as a handle for the cap. It makes it really easy to hold the dabber and cap together in one hand while holding my piece in the other, and so I can cap it really quickly and get the most out of my dabs. Between that and what it does to my diffusion pump, plus just being able to stare at it, I can honestly say I've never enjoyed dabbing more.
The other side of the cap:
I love how they stare at each other. Are they lovers or are they fighting? It changes based on my mood, the lighting, and how many dabs in I am...
Also, I think I forgot to mention it here but I bought an older bucket of JoDa's a couple of weeks ago from
@BoogerMan (about 30 seconds after he posted it in the classifieds

). I'm loving looking at the two together:
And although I admittedly usually keep a banger on my d-cycler, I had to switch it up to make my current tabletop setup an official JoDa family shot:
It even matches my ceiling lamp