That's reasons why I feel that our Only 'Salvation' will be the 'Cottage Industry' or 'Craft'
or 'Micro' whatever You call it. The Small Growers, who will sell Primarily out of Their
own Premises, just like Many smaller Wineries. These are the the ones who will be more
esoteric in their Techniques and Principles, helping to get rid of the old stigma and creating
the type of environment and atmosphere that Us true aficionados aspire to.
That's Why we have to Act Now, shunning the Large Growers and Opting for those
Who have a devotion to the Product first and foremost, a Grower/Breeder First,
A Business man Second!
We also have to ' Educate' Others
Spread the Word!
The problem with your method is that as soon as you start patronizing the little guys.... they get big. LMAO Or, they get bought by the 'big' because they are so profitable.
I was a business broker for a while and I still watch the market. You should see all the little 'organic' farms that have been bought by big business and everyone still thinks they are buying from the 'little organic farms' but they are not. All the money goes upstairs...... always. LOL