Well-Known Member
Ok, gotta come back to say a few more things and then I'm out. According to that link that I posted up, there is only one brass that is lead free and that is alloy 464, not alloy 260. In my particular arguments, I was never addressing what would be considered a safe exposure and what would not be considered a safe exposure. In Ricks post#94, he continually referred to the brass that he was using as "NO LEAD" (he put it in caps), and that statement, apparently, is totally false, unless of course, there are different chemical makeups of alloy 260 and that it depends totally on your supplier, which I highly doubt. So...........if we can agree that there IS in fact lead in alloy 260 that is used in the Zaps tubing, then THAT part of the argument is indeed, moot. If however, Rick continues to state that it is totally lead free, than I would want to see further documentation to support that fact and not just take a salesmans word on it.
Which leaves us with two other issues which are stated in the previous posts. One, is, what is the acceptable level of lead exposure that each of us can deal with, and two, what I originally brought up regarding the heat exchanger, being that it comes from a different manufacturer and that besides the internal tubing of the heat port, my not be composed of the low lead content that alloy 260 is composed of.
So to repeat Rick last statement in his post of "Wonder if this is an example of "be careful what you ask for"?", all I gotta say is............back at ya.
Which leaves us with two other issues which are stated in the previous posts. One, is, what is the acceptable level of lead exposure that each of us can deal with, and two, what I originally brought up regarding the heat exchanger, being that it comes from a different manufacturer and that besides the internal tubing of the heat port, my not be composed of the low lead content that alloy 260 is composed of.
So to repeat Rick last statement in his post of "Wonder if this is an example of "be careful what you ask for"?", all I gotta say is............back at ya.