I suspect they start to leak out eventually, but without airflow it would be pretty minor and subtle. I've never seen any visible vapor leaking. I reckon the bigger problem would be degradation and oxidation of the vapor once it had boiled off. I've left mine running 3-4 cycles in between hits sometimes and haven't really noticed much of a difference, but there is clearly vapor in the chamber ready to inhale at this point - so I think it's more a question of how long can it remain in a hot crucible without degrading..? I wouldn't get into the habit of leaving it like this, but it's probably very minor and subtle.DB said:Something I was curious about. What happens to the vapors if you don't inhale them? What if the vaporizer is running but I have to leave it sit for a few minutes? Are they there waiting for you when you get back or do they leak out?
I agree.ChuckRock said:This morning i received my replacement stems but no bowl.
Even though i had told O&B several times the herb bow was now unusable.
I even sent them pictures and posted a pic in this forum.
I have even offered to send the bowl back all met with no response.
Customer service with this company is a complete joke.
Unfortunately for them i come in to contact with thousands of people on a weekly basis and i will be letting them know.
This company is knowingly selling defective goods, its a simple as that.
In order to use my i-olite, i have ordered a bowl from Warehousegoods.It worked out over 10 cheaper ordering it from the other side of the world than directly from the manufacturer.
More unnecessary expense on my part, brought on by Ogelbsy and Butler's dodgy Business dealings.
So in short, Dont buy from I-olite directly as you will be burned, as i have been.
They wouldn't know what customer service is, even if it bit them in the ass.
I have been left without a functional road vape for weeks because of these fools
Its a shame, the actual unit is a great piece of kit.
But the fact remains, they are knowingly selling faulty equipment to the public.
Im pretty sure that's illegal where i live and i will be looking into taking the matter further.
I simply burnt the broken bit of stem out of the metal bowl. that works, chuck it in the fire for 5 min. As both my stems broke I was forced to operate the device with no stem and its actually cooler. The heat it transmitted down the stem while just putting your mouth to the area works fine. Dodgy bit of gear though, was fine but after 3 months it just died. Pity , I was recommending it to my mates and planning on buying more, but the jerk masquerading as CS certainly screwed those sales up.ChuckRock said:yeah , im just really bummed at the moment.
They have cost me money and i still cant use my vape, through no fault of mines.
IT was nice of them to replace my stem and im pleased about that, its just without a bowl i cant use them.
I never broke the BRAND NEW bowl, the defective stems caused this, which they were fully aware of and shipped to me.
Instead of trying to put it right and sending me a new bowl and stems.They sent me more stems i don't need.
Same here but there is a psychological effect for me. When I don't see vapors, which is frequent if I don't pack the bowl fully, I think nothing is happening. Of course, after a bit I know something's going on. But I still can't help but think something is wrong if I don't see any vapor. I guess over time it gets better. What's strange is I get more consistent visible vapor from the LB than from the Iolite (unless I pack a full bowl)max said:Yes, Colibri is good butane. A lot of times seeing exhaled vapor is a matter of lighting. Vapor isn't smoke and you shouldn't expect to see it like you see exhaled smoke. If you're feeling the effect from vaping, it doesn't matter whether you can see exhaled vapor or not. I've gotten high many times from from the iolite and other vapes without seeing any vapor at all on exhales.
This is what happened to me after about a month. I got mine from gotvape.com and they sent me a new unit after going through a lot of troubleshooting. Check with the place you bought it from to see if they honor the warranty. If not you'll have to go through the manufacturer, which I also had to do for another problem. I got the repaired unit back fairly quickly (10 days after I sent it out) considering I'm in the US on the west coast and they are in Ireland.misslady said:so i got my iolite a few months ago and fell completely in love with it but after about a month of using it the piezo button stopped working. the gas runs but it wont ignite-is there something i can do? i tried burning all the gas out of it and refilling it and buying new gas (that they recommended on the iolite website) and still no luck.. :/
I'm not using any 7-dot screen. I have a compression sleeve, and an oversized round screen that I make concave using the compression sleeve and a small dowel-like pencil. I trim around the screen to even it out. I put the compression sleeve and screen into the chamber, and keep it in place with one of those wire stays.shotgunwilly said:macbill, how are you running your unit now? did you pull out the 7hole? i was thinking last night of just putting in two retaining rings to give me the headspace i want, then a solid screen and let the pin concave it... is that what you did or similar with the compression ring? if it is, how is it working? i think i will try it today, just not sure how important the 7hole is... is it used to help heat/maintain the heat of the herb as a heat sink? anyway, guess i ll screw around with it a bit later...