marcuss said:
Welcome 5meodmt and thanks for your first post/revue......that's a good heavy usage experience to make us guess that this little vape should last more than its 2 years warranty coverage!!
Do you clean it often when you put solids in the bowl?
hey Marcuss, thanks for the heads up
Yeh i am a heavy user, and being of small build i have feeble small lungs always found pure joints tickly (but very fun) - smoked very carfully and slowly, pipes i cough but so what no pain no gain, and bong/bucket etc my lung just cant handle them with out a good cough up afterwards, now ive started im 99% vape now ive coughed twice in a month
i heve to clean gauze every few days, i have stuck in a pipe gauze in the top since i poked the one inside the 6 hole thing on first clean, and i cant get the thing out !

- the pipe gauze is a lot easier to remove/clean. Ive only fully cleaned it once which was today coincidently, it had a lot of brown caked in the top filling bit, but i have smoked other "stuff" through it which has caused the most mess, maybe...
lets hope it last the test of time, seems to be holding up very well so far!!
another thing ive noticed today, i had lot of half full can of gas which are almost used now, so i went and purchased some more gas (same make type), the new can seems to be making the iolite start with less clicks strait away, first time twice in a row now, seems device is very fussy about how much gas is in can, which has been brought before in this thread but worth reiteriating again. will double check this and add to CONS if necessary..