my first post hi all! - due to purchase of iolite 1 month ago, my experience...
reference; I use a good grinder which i use for green always, solids i would burn in and maybe mix a bit with green if necessary. (dependant of the melt/quality of solid)
perivous vapourisers, bluemeanie etc (solder iron types) - crap average lasted 6 days! 1/10, glass tube & glass bowl (space bubble) - ok items, a bit of a pain with solids, worked ok with green i always smashed them quickly, im a clumsy f**ker 4/10, inavap - ok for green, rubbish for solid, got hot quickly from point of inhale and never worked "that" well 5/10
Now to the ioite, got about 1 month ago, was reluctant at first because of the price and i knew nothing about it, not that the price is excessivly expensive, just i didnt want to risk my hard earned cash on a damp squib (again!!)..
Well googled and found this forum/thread quickly and soon was confident it was worth a punt!
bought the item, after 1 -2 weeks mastered the art and love it big time - i had a one off pipe after 2 weeks solid vape and gads it tasted like a bonfire, no nice green aroma anymore (im smoked 24 yrs!) , mines was/is bit of slow starter, takes a few click to get it going, sometimes more, definately prefers to be hot/in sun to get a quicker start, (i assume the internal metal chambers perfer to expand a bit allowing better flow throught chambers). now ive had it a month it actually seems to start 2nd time every time at the moment, so the starter&unit is getting better now "burned in". Its used daily (evenings after work) and all weekend!, with a break every 1 hr approx to cool down, yes i am a heavy user
Ok ive woffled a bit lets get down to pros cons:
long use times compared to a "pipe" or "joint" say
vapes EVERYTHING if you stick with it (i find), try a hr or longer session on 1 bowl.
great for well grinded green
great for solids (GOOD quality please

) may require a small mix with green if it melts
great for other plant/etc ive tried
easy to gas fill, i dont need a level indicator, i can hear when its full, and generally fill right after or during a session, and maybe air purge 1-2 a week max now
great light and leave and use as required item, it doesnt seem to kill the material stored if left for a little whle (I keep forgetting about it

- them i hear the gas expell - ping reminder!

the best PRO; great for conservation i now get through about 1/4 to 1/3 of the amount compared to combustion!!, i have saved more than i paid for it already, this is a biggy!!
harder to start when gas can is past half wayish, putting excessive use on starter, potiential failure part? - unit starts almost first time everytime when gas can is full
easy to open by error - use a rubber band, our f**king postie leave tonnes ouside my flat! so im not short of them!!
doesnt last that long , so you may have to carry gas if your out and about - not a real issue for me
i had to use exentsion piece and with shallow/long inhale i dont get lung burn, require a lot of drinking water - but all vapes have this issue to overcome too
cant think of anything else now, i love it!
so glad i purchased it, best para purchase to date, from 24 years "experience"

i think thats HIGH praise
It comes with a 2 years garantee, and if it lasts beyond that it would definately get ten out of ten, but i will reserve that rating untill its a bit older, at the moment i wil get it well deserved 9/10!
peace all
Edited 09/06/09 : CON added regarding starting of unit