stealth1, my pleasure, im glad i could help in some way... willieR, when i get home tomorrow, i will check and see if i can see what number... for some reason, im thinking it was the only one that would fit in the hole where the fill valve was...and even then, it was pretty tight... i had to go by the outside diameter, not the diameter of the little hole it fills with, because all the other nozzles couldnt fit in the hole (the hole in the black plastic) to depress the little fill valve... izeus, i dont know what butane u used or how much you have left in your can, but, i have found that even with the vector, that at the end of the can, it wasnt very clean... maybe your pipes got a little plugged? also, when filling it, are you "pumping" the butane as someone described, that will insure no air bubble... (i also take it you are using good butane) maybe try filling it, then put it in your pocket before turning it on for a little while, when it get nice and warm, turn it on and hope! anyway, im sorry, i know that this is a pretty limp dick solution, and i cant be of more help.... i guess, if all fails, contact iolite, it seems that they are opening a can of whoop ass on fixing these now.... good luck! :/