I've not long got my Launch Pad, didn't realise how much I needed it in my life.
No more burn scares for me.
Just want thing, I've noticed mine has some scratches on the surface and was wondering if that was normal? I have to admit, I am a bit anal sometimes.
I got 2 and one had scratches and one was pristine.
I looked at it for a sec thinking aw bummer, but then figured i'd probably scratch it up having it sit around etc.
Absolutely nothing wrong with some kinks. I’m not yet 40 but got to see Ray Davies solo a few years back. Freaking amazing.Definitely dating myself but, looking at the picture made me cringe with a flashback to my The Kinks Misfits Album with a huge scratch in it.
I got a couple of siloXL's too. This was the only kinda disappointment, however minor. The inside of the device side on both of them had like this caked up brown rust looking stuff in the bottom. The material side was fine, just incomplete finish, but not the brown stuff. I tried cleaning it out best I could. qtips came out gross, but still stuff on the inside. gonna just stick some cork or silicone piece down in the bottom to cover it so nothing touches it. need to do that probably anyways to prevent rattling around. other than that the outside looks cool and sleek and low key as you'd like. seems to seal good.
Wow! Looks great!
Me too. Im glad they are not anodizing anymoreThe inside of my OG Silo is a sad scene....hopefully this new one doesn’t suffer the same issue.
Looks like the upgrade we had all been waiting for!Thank you ID team!
Does this model also includes a storage container for the vaporizables?
Does this model also includes a storage container for the vaporizables?
This is my question too. Is there a storage compartment?
Sad to hear this . I am a fan of micro dosing and the storage compartment was perfect for me . I love the new look , but will have to pass as I prefer the all in one storage of the old style .It does not, we found the storage compartment ended up being more of a gimmick than an actually useful feature, so we decided to scrap it.