Nope. Don’t really see the need for a magnet on The Silo. I’m not sure what function it would provide.
How about to hold and cool off a cap?
Makes the Silo more versatile and stealthier too

Good for standing room only.
I installed a dynamag above the treads where the stash screws on with some double sided Gorilla tape. Just to test it out for awhile before I go and make it permanent.
I prefer to use a dynastash and not the smaller stash that comes on the Silo.
When filling the tip with herb I keep silo (cap on magnet) and a dynastash in one hand then hold vapcap in other hand, fill with herb, put cap back on, put Silo in pocket and fire away with torch. Repeat as needed
Could actually install a smaller magnet and still use the removable stash that comes with the Silo or just install a magnet on the removable stash itself?
Can also be used to attach Silo to any steel object for storing or hiding
Could stand the Silo up on your launch pad when not in use too. Its stands a little to the side with the magnets facing each other but it doesn't fall off.
The launch pad is great but I don't like to carry it around too bulky and heavy for pocketing, more for desk top, work bench, night stand type of places