I'm sure there are many around the world who don't want to believe what has happened to the United States. Many have viewed us as the most stable nation, and certainly the most stable democracy. Whether or not this was true before, it is certainly not true anymore, and it's going to be very important that everyone in Europe understands that. The United States is no longer a reliable partner. If we can't do anything to stop this administration, then we may actually be an enemy to democracies. That should be a frightening prospect to all, but even more so to ourselves. We are apparently allowing bad actors to burn our reputation and our trustworthiness to the ground. We have dragged our most extreme enemies that stood on the periphery of America directly into the mainstream where they can do the most damage. While tears from an ally may not seem "manly" to you, better than anything else they show the extremity and depth to which America has sunk. And I think that will help aid people in seeing the truth. And they must see the truth to survive.